From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2010-11-21 10:50:36
From: Dave Hodrien […] Sent: 21 November 2010 00:11To:…Subject: Rendlesham Forest 30th Anniversary Conference Advert (Forwarded by Birmingham UFO Group) The Rendlesham Forest Incident
December 1980 30th Anniversary Conference John Burroughs & Jim Penniston Talk for the first time in Suffolk at the Woodbridge Community Hall Tuesday
December 28 at 6pm. Also attending is Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope (MoD ret), and Peter Robbins (US based Investigative Writer – co-author of Left At East Gate) In December 1980 strange lights were seen by US Air Force personnel posted to the twin bases of RAF Bentwaters & Woodbridge. To this day they have never been explained. On the 30th anniversary, December 28 2010 two key eye-witnesses are back in Suffolk to re-count their stories. Airman 1st Class John Burroughs and SSgt Jim Penniston were 81st Security Police Officers patrolling the East Gate at RAF Woodbridge when they observed what they initially thought was an aircraft coming down in the forest. The rest is history. All five are in Suffolk on Tuesday December 28 2010 at: Woodbridge Community Hall
Station Road
IP12 4AU The guest speakers are looking for any civilian witnesses to the incident to show up that night. The talk starts at 6pm. Tickets are £6.00 each. After the talk there will be a visit to the Rendlesham Forest site attended by the guest speakers. All are invited to come along. To order a ticket please send a stamped, self addressed envelope w/payment to: Mr G Goodger,
108 Spring Road,
IP4 2RR. We accept cheques and postal orders only (Cheques should be made payable to Mr. G Goodger). We will not be able to dispatch tickets if we do not receive a stamped SAE. Questions about the event please call 07811 021230 or 01473 210726 and we will do our best to help you. At the request of the guest speakers, all profits will go to the Ipswich Treehouse Children’s Hospice Appeal. No-one is making any money out of this. Phone: 01473 423143Cell: 07811 021230 (Note: Dave Hodrien, BUFOG Chairman/Investigator will be attending this event)