From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2010-12-03 20:06:39
So if the dept. of homeland security is seizing Domain Names, how come Wikileaks still works? Here’s some information to consider. For those trying to access www.checktheevidence… still doesn’t work, though direct links to files will work. The Web host is very apologetic, but can’t seem to fix the issue after 2 weeks – try it on Sunday as it has worked on the last 2 Sundays (I told them this). From: Sent: 03 December 2010 13:52To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Re: BitTorrent Based DNS To Counter US Domain Seizures These two articles might explain why Assange is not going to be killed by the Department of Defense, or one of Obama’s hit teams, or his website shut down. This one by Gordon Duff… this one by Jeff Gates.… finally, there’s this article that explains the bogus “rape” charges against Assange.… designed to make him look like he’s under a tremendous threat, and a true champion of the people. Right. Here’s an interesting take on Assange and Wikileaks. She’s asking the question I’ve always asked when one of the “heroes” suddenly appear on the radar screen, like all the 9/11 “truthers” like Tarpley, Fetzer and his adopted son, Barrett: Who are they and what is the source of their funding? In other words, how do they cover day to day living expenses, and in all of these guys’ cases, where does the funding for their flying around the world come from? birdflu666.wordpress…