From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-01-30 11:04:26
From: Kathy Roberts [] Sent: 30 January 2011 06:49To: Undisclosed-Recipient: ; Updated List Of Animal Die-Offs (with MSM Absurd Explanations)… Updated List Of Animal Die-Offs ducq iapetus1-27-11 1-27-11
Here’s your list of 60+ of the recent animal die-offs. I didn’t include the honeybees, earthworms, or most insect life, as they’re a subject all by themselves. I also skipped most frog die-offs. Of course, everything in the Gulf of Mexico is dying; i skipped that entirely. The media’s explanations in red are there primarily for your amusement. Nor am i at this time going to give my own thoughts as to the cause(s), as many people have studied this subject all their lives and have put very good information out. The references are as close as i could find to the original news releases; often this simply was not possible in the time allotted. Note that most of these have occurred in the last month.peace,ducq1/25/11 Dead herrings wash ashore on two beaches in Cedar, Canada… victoriatimescolonist/news/ capital_van_isl/story.html?id= 5e99abb2-1a99-471d-8ea9- afe312088e43“Sea lions were eating holes in the nets.”1/23/11 75 dead starlings found in a 12-foot square in Somerset village of Croxley, news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ 7413819/Mystery-as-scores-of- starlings-found-dead-in- village-garden.html“They were flying away from a Sparrow Hawk and hit the ground.”1/22/11 Hundreds of penguins dying near Wellington at Banks Peninsula, environment/4569240/Dying- birds-stir-extinction-fears“It got too cold for them.”
1/22/11 Hundreds of Eider Ducks found dead in… 2011/01/bird-death-is- spreading.html“No idea.”1/21/11 10,000 cattle and and buffalo die in Vietnam.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/21/10000-cattle-dead- vietnam_n_812224.html“It got too cold for them too.”
1/21/11 Dozens of dead blackbirds, mallards and magpies have been found along the banks of the Xiaojing River, near… 01/21/40584234.html“They suddenly died of starvation.”1/20/11 55 buffalo die mysteriously on southern Cayuga County farm, local/article_6ca7410c-24ac- 11e0-80dc-001cc4c03286.html“They got thirsty.”1/20/11 Hundreds of birds found dead in Yankton, South 2011/01/20/hundreds-of-dead- birds-in_n_811709.html “The USDA says We had to poison them. Honest. They were pooping in feedlots for farms.”1/20/11 Hundreds of dead birds found dead under trees in Dacono, 2011/01/20/mysterious-bird- deaths-investigated-near- dacono/“We’ll look into it. Maybe the poles shifted.”1/18/11 200 Cows found dead on a farm in Portage County, Wisconsin.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/18/200-dead-cows- wisconsin_n_810248.html“They caught pneumonia.”1/17/11 Hundreds of dead seals in… 2011/01/hundreds-of-dead- seals-in-labrador.html“They had too many pups.”1/17/11 Hundreds of Eastern brown pelicans, some with missing wings and frostbite dead off Jacksonville, metro/2011-01-17/story/ pelicans-turn-sick-dead- jacksonville-coast“It got cold.”1/17/11 Hundreds of crows are once again dying off in… 2011/01/romania-second-wave- of-dead-birds.html?utm_source= BP_recent“Cold and alcoholic intoxication.”1/15/11 1000’s of dead Menhaden Fish die-off on Folly Beach, South Global/story.asp?S=13794888“They got cold.”1/14/11 Mass fish die-off in the Iranian section of the Caspian incident/1811555.html“Testing of biological weapons.”1/13/11 Hundreds of grackles (blackbirds) found dead on the side of the I-65 highway in Alabama.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/13/300-dead-birds- alabama_n_808477.html“A truck hit them.”1/12/11 Millions of crickets being raised for pets wiped out in Port Allen,… 2011/01/first-dead-birds-then- dead-fish-now.html“It’s a virus.”1/11/11 Hundreds of European Starlings found dead on the side of the I-101 highway in Sonoma County,…? hl=en&biw=1280&bih=667&q=Highw ay+101+between+the+towns+of+ Healdsburg+and+Geyservile+ European+starlings&aq=f&aqi=& aql=&oq=“A truck hit them.”1/11/11 Thousands of gizzard shad die off on Chicago… 3248260-418/shad-chicago- gizzard-harbors-die.html“They got cold.”1/11/11 Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yamuna river in India profiles/blogs/thousands-of- dead-fish-have
1/10/11 Dead birds along roads in… 2011/01/more-bird-doom-this- time-holland.html“Them poles are shifting.”1/10/11 Dozens of dead starlings in the the county Karacabey in Bursa province of 8669359/“A truck hit them.”1/9/11 Three dozen starlings near a US base in . com/2011/01/09/dozens-of- birds-misteriously-dead-in- romania-within-miles-of-us- base/“Maybe they were poisoned.”1/9/11 Dozens of starlings found dead in Jefferson County, Missouri. local/story.aspx?storyid= 237412&catid=3“It got cold.”1/8/11 8000 turtledoves drop from the sky dead in Faenza, Italy.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/10/hundreds-of-dead- birds-fo_n_806660.html“They ate too many sunflower seeds.”1/7/11 80 pigeons die at a farm near Quebec City, news/canada/2011/01/07/ 16802701.html“Beat us. But it’s not related to what’s happening in the U.S.”1/6/11 Birds of prey falling out of the sky in showArticle.htm?topTypeId=62& articleId=3449“Magnetic fields and global warming.”1/6/11 40,000 dead crabs wash ashore on England beaches.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/06/dead-crabs-wash- ashore-by_n_805211.html“It got cold.”1/5/11 50 dead jackdaws found dead in Falkoping, 2011/01/05/dead-birds-sweden_ n_804600.html“Darned fireworks again.”1/5/11 Dead American Coot birds spotted on the Hwy 155 bridge near Ore showArticle.htm?topTypeId=62& articleId=3449“They got hit by cars.”1/5/11 Dozens of dead birds found in Marion, Illinois.www.associatedconten…. com/article/6185536/dead_ birds_reported_by_residents_ in.html?cat=8“They live on the New Madrid Fault Zone.” (?)1/5/11 100’s of dead birds found in Western Kentucky.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/05/hundreds-more-dead- birds-_n_804952.html“Weather or another natural event.”1/4/11 500 dead birds fall from the sky in Louisiana.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/04/birds-fall-from- sky-louisiana_n_804196.html“It’s all that darned lightning, hail, and fireworks.”1/4/11 Thousands of dead fish found along Spruce Creek, article/news/2011/january/ 190246/Cold-snaps-blamed-for- dead-fish-found-floating-in- Spruce-Creek“They swam into the shallows, then they got cold.”1/4/11 100’s of tons of dead fish off the coast of video?videoId=49971988“Algae ate up all their oxygen.”1/4/11 10,000’s of dead birds in Manitoba, story/336/601/10,000s_of_ Birds_found_dead_in_Manitoba. html“They got sick.”1/4/11 100’s of dead Shad in Sarnia, news/canada/2011/01/04/ 16757321.html“They got warm, then cold.”1/4/11 100’s of Snapper fish in New 2011/01/05/hundreds-of- snapper-fish-mysteriously- died-in-new-zealand/“Someone dumped them there.”1/4/11 100’s of fish found dead in a brook running through a Peterborough beauty spot, UK.www.peterboroughtoda…. concern_as_fish_die_in_beauty_ spot_brook_1_2224957“Might be a factory upstream. Or maybe it got cold.”1/3/11 Dozens of Redwing Blackbirds found by woman in Kentucky. news/local/Woman-reports- dozens-of-dead-birds-in-her- yard-112830524.html“Winter stress.”1/3/11 Dead birds of prey at the roadside in polizeipresse/pm/8/1742717/ polizei_dueren“Vott vould ve know about dem?”1/2/11 Discovery of several dead migratory birds in… World-News/2011/01/03/Japan- on-alert-after-finding-dead- birds/UPI-41861294114121/“They got bird flu.”1/3/11 100,000 dead Drumfish wash up along a 17-mile stretch of the Arkansas 26350175/detail.html“They got sick.”1/3/11 1000’s of dead octopuses wash up on Portugal europe/8438477.stm“Beat us. But don’t eat them.”1/3/11 Tens of thousands of small fish die in the Chesapeake 26357581/detail.html“The forgot to swim to where it was warmer. They got cold.”1/2/11 1000’s of Redwing Blackbirds fall from the sky in Bebee, Arkansas.www.huffingtonpost.c… 2011/01/02/dead-birds-fall- from-sky-akansas_n_803358.html“It’s all that darned lightning, hail, and fireworks.”1/2/11 Hundreds of dead fish found in canal marina near Abergavenny, newsDetails.php?id=79520“It got cold.”
12/31/10 Unusual fish kill found in Annapolis, Maryland.greaterannapolis.pat…. com/articles/unusual-fish- kill-in-bay-ridge“It got cold.”12/31/10 150 tons of tilapias died in fish farms in Business/News/Story/ A1Story20101231-255737.html“They couldn’t breath.”12/28/10 70 bats found dead in Tuscon, articles/2010/12/28/ 20101228tucson-70-dead-bats- found.html“They forgot to migrate.”12/26/10 Thousands of dead fish in lake Azuei, hostednews/afp/article/ ALeqM5hPH3HoZT9D02y2edSG0RwDxS chhA?docId=CNG. 742e6f8c140c9fad9f90528e14966d 4e.151“Could be water poisoning.”12/25/10 2 miles of beach full of fish, clams, and crabs on a Scarborough beach in… translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en& ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl= auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F% 2Fcorrierefiorentino.corriere. it%2Ffirenze%2Fnotizie%2Fcrona ca%2F2010%2F28-dicembre-2010% 2Fstrage-del-mare-natale- 181158495607.shtml“Too many factories around.”12/23/10 1000’s of starfish and jellyfish wash up on Palms Beach in South Global/story.asp?S=13735801“They got cold.”12/20/10 and 11/22/10 Mutilated pelicans washing up at Topsail Island, North dead-pelicans-found-topsail- island/12/2010 content/top_stories/633085/ pelicans-found-injured–dead- along-topsail-island-beaches/ “Someone fishermen are killing them.”12/19/10 1000’s of dead fish found floating on the surface of a small lake inside Sydney environment/animals/dead-fish- clog-lake-at-airport-20101218- 191ba.html“Beats us.”12/17/10 Dead fish wash up on Washington Beach Park in Michigan City, headlines/Dead_fish_wash_up_ on_Washington_Park_beach_ 112105654.html