Correlation of seismic activity with Mayan calendar intervals

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2011-01-30 12:03:22

Attachments : This is pretty technical – and you may not be able to follow all the details (I can’t), but the overall analysis is interesting.…   Correlation of seismic activity with Mayan calendar intervals William C. Treurniet, January, 2011

Summary. Analysis of seismic activity shows that the properties of earthquakes in the lower mantle of the earth vary in accord with a proposed structure of the Mayan calendar. Earthquake number, depth, and magnitude were measured during successive 360-day periods corresponding to the the Days and Nights of the Galactic Underworld as proposed by Calleman (2004). These variables behaved as predicted by a model suggested by Calleman to explain the cycles of creative activity observed in biological evolution and social and technological progress. The variations in seismic activity are understood as physical correlates of a non-static creative energy field emanating from the earth’s core. According to the seismic data, the once pulsating creative energy field proposed in the model has been permanently switched on since 2006.

The world has recently become more aware of the existence of a calendar created by the ancient Mayan people in Central America. The main feature that has entered the public consciousness is that the calendar has an end which is fast approaching. The end of the calendar is said to be a time when human consciousness will transform to a new level, and humankind will enter a different relationship with reality. Some people also hold the view that this event will be accompanied by geological and meteorological upheavals in the earth environment. Most of the written records of the Maya were destroyed by European invaders. Because of the gaps and ambiguities in the remaining historical and archeological records, there is a dispute about the exact end date of the calendar. The dominant view of archeologists is that the last day falls on December 21, 2012. Carl Johan Calleman, a Swedish biologist, adopts a different view after studying the lore related to the calendar. His analysis, presented in books published in 2001 and 2004 (see [1][2]), concludes that the calendar ends on October 28, 2011. Calleman finds consistent relationships between periods of the calendar and significant events in recorded history and the paleontological record. These observations support his proposed structure of time as the basis of the Mayan calendar. Calleman also proposed a testable model that explains why such significant events occurred when they did. In the model, a creative energy field more fundamental than electromagnetism emanates from the World Tree, a central creative principle in the Mayan tradition. Calleman understands the World Tree as an oscillator emitting creative pulses that influence the evolution of reality including human consciousness. He proposes that the World Tree has a fractal structure so it is represented at all levels of scale ranging from the center of the universe, to the center of galaxies, to the sun, to the core of the earth, and even to structures in the human body. Among other things, the field interacts with matter to influence its organization. Since the core of the earth is proposed as a source of the field, the model predicts that some seismic activity should vary in time with creative energy pulses delivered according to the structure of the Mayan calendar. The Model According to Calleman’s interpretation, the Mayan calendar consists of nine embedded intervals called Underworlds, all ending on October 28, 2011. An Underworld is subdivided into 13 equal intervals, or Heavens, each ruled by a particular deity representing certain principles. Calleman sees opposing characteristics or yin/yang traits in successive pairs of Heavens in an Underworld, and describes an Underworld as a sequence of six Day/Night pairs plus a final Day. Each Underworld is embedded in the last Day of the preceding Underworld. This means that the length of a Day shortens exponentially from one Underworld to the next. In Calleman’s terminology, the Galactic Underworld began in 1999 and has a duration of 12.8 years. Each of the 13 Heavens, therefore, has a length of 360 solar days, or almost one year. The previous Planetary Underworld began in 1755 and has a duration of 256 years. In this case, each of the 13 Heavens lasted 19.7 years. Table 1 shows these properties for all nine Underworlds. Table 1. Summary of the Underworld Parameters Underworld  Duration  Beginning Date  Initiating Phenomenon    Universal    260 days    Feb 11, 2011  ?    Galactic    12.8 yr    Jan 5, 1999    World Wide Web    Planetary    256 yr    1755 CE    Industrialism    National    5125 yr    3115 BCE    Written language    Regional    102,000 yr    99,989 BCE    Spoken language    Tribal    2×106 yr    ~2×106 BCE    First humans    Familial    41×106    ~41×106 BCE    First primates    Mammalian    820×106    ~820×106 BCE    First animals    Cellular    16.4×109    ~16.4×109 BCE    Big Bang  The rate at which events unfold in a given underworld is directly related to the length of the corresponding Day or Night. For example, most would agree that the rate at which telecommunications technology developed in the Galactic Underworld was much faster than the rate at which writing technology evolved in the Planetary Underworld. There is an analogy between writing technology and telecommunications technology, and this example shows how history tends to repeat itself in successive cycles, albeit at faster rates. Calleman notes similar analogies in other fields such as politics and religion. Much slower rates of change occurred in the longer Underworlds where the focus was on the evolution of life and the physical environment. Calleman proposes a physical relationship between the creative energy field from the World Tree and the crystalline core of the earth. He suggests that “different layers are activated according to the preset pattern of the Mayan calendar” and that “the Nine Underworlds correspond to nine sequentially activated layers of iron crystals in the earth’s inner core” (p. 59-60). He further suggests that “concentrated mental activity arises from resonance with the earth’s inner core” (p. 62). The model proposes that the level of core activation decreases in depth with each successive Underworld. Since the creative energy impulses are said to occur during the Days, variations in the Underworld properties represented by successive Days and Nights should be associated with corresponding variations in core activation. Physical correlates of core activations should be most evident in the earth’s lower mantle adjacent to the core. Therefore, changes in seismic activity in the lower mantle are predicted to occur in parallel with changes in the creative energy field at the onset of each Day and Night. Table 2 shows the beginning and end dates of each Day and Night in the Galactic Underworld. The duration of 360 solar days for each Heaven is a suitable time scale for evaluating how overall seismic activity varies over Days and Nights. Further, since core activation occurs at lesser depths for successive Underworlds, it should be near the minimum depth during the Galactic Underworld where an effect on the lower mantle should be more likely. The prediction of the model was tested by examining earthquake properties during individual Days and Nights of this Underworld. Table 2. Galactic Underworld Days and Nights   Start Date  End Date  Day 1  05-01-1999  30-12-1999  Night 1  31-12-1999  24-12-2000  Day 2  25-12-2000  19-12-2001  Night 2  20-12-2001  14-12-2002  Day 3  15-12-2002  09-12-2003  Night 3  10-12-2003  03-12-2004  Day 4  04-12-2004  28-11-2005  Night 4  29-11-2005  23-11-2006  Day 5  24-11-2006  18-11-2007  Night 5  19-11-2007  13-11-2008  Day 6  14-11-2008  08-11-2009  Night 6  09-11-2009  03-11-2010  Day 7  04-11-2010  28-10-2011  Model test We are fortunate to have access to the USGS/NEIC database containing global seismic information for any time period from 1973 to the present. The form provided allows one to select ranges of interest for the date, magnitude, depth, and intensity variables. Earthquakes in the lower mantle were selected by specifying a depth greater than or equal to 650 km. The magnitude was constrained to be 3 or greater. A total of 522 earthquakes met these criteria from August 8, 1973, to November 3, 2010. About 95% of these earthquakes were near latitude -20° and longitude 180°. This location is approximately 300 km SSE of Fiji in the South Pacific. Figure 1 shows the distribution of lower mantle earthquakes from August 8, 1973, until November 3, 2010, the end of the sixth Night of the Galactic Underworld. The counts were smoothed using a triangular kernel spanning 300 days, and the smoothed data is also shown in the figure.   Figure 1. The daily frequency of earthquakes in the lower mantle.  Figure 1 suggests the presence of two inflection points in the smoothed data near 4000 days and 8500 days after the beginning of the data. The step-wise increases in earthquake frequency might be due to introduction of more sensitive instrumentation, but they could also indicate a change in conditions deep in the earth. Spectral analyses were performed on the smoothed data beginning near these locations. Two arrays of 4096 data points were selected starting at days 5397 and 9493, the means were subtracted from each array, and a Hann window was applied. Then each array was analyzed with a 8192-point FFT after zero padding. Note that day 9493 is Jan 5, 1999, the beginning of the Galactic Underworld.     Figure 2. Spectra of smoothed earthquake frequencies before and during the Galactic Underworld.  Figure 2 shows the resulting power spectra. The spectral peaks in the first interval are relatively small compared to the dominant peak found in the Galactic Underworld interval. The frequency at this peak has a period of 745 days/cycle. Interestingly, this is approximately twice the 360 solar day duration of each Heaven in this Underworld. A Day followed by a Night would constitute one cycle with a period of 720 days. It seems that the spectral analysis of daily earthquake frequency is consistent with the hypothesis under test; that is, that seismic activity varies with the Day/Night cycle. A more direct test of this hypothesis would be merely to sum the frequencies of earthquakes during each Heaven of the Underworld. Figure 3 shows that the expected alternating Day/Night differences are found in the first half of the Underworld. Save for the first Day, there were consistently fewer earthquakes during the Days than during the Nights. However, this oscillating pattern changed after the fourth Night (November, 2006) to a linear downward trend irrespective of Day or Night. The onset of the linear trend may be evidence of a change in the dynamics of processes near the earth’s core. This consistent decline in earthquake frequency is also visible at the right end of the graph in Figure 1.   Figure 3. Lower mantle earthquake count for each Day or Night interval (Odd – Day, Even – Night).  The differences between the Day/Night intervals can be evaluated statistically by comparing a fixed number of the deepest earthquakes in each Heaven. Figure 4 shows the mean depths of the ten deepest earthquakes in each Day and Night.   Figure 4. Mean depth of 10 deepest earthquakes in each Day or Night interval (Odd – Day, Even – Night). Bars indicate +- the standard error.   The differences in mean depth between successive Days and Nights shown in Figure 4 correspond to the differences in counts shown in Figure 3. As one might expect, the frequency of earthquakes below 650 km is proportional to the mean depth of the deepest earthquakes. Figure 4 additionally shows relatively small, non-overlapping standard errors around the means. These indicate that the mean differences between successive Day/Night intervals are statistically reliable. Therefore, we may infer that something fundamental changed in or near the earth’s core around the end of 2006 when the oscillating pattern changed to a steady downward trend. The creative impulse during the Days also appeared to have an effect on earthquake magnitudes. Figure 5 shows the mean magnitudes of the ten deepest quakes. Again, there seems to be a fundamental difference between the first and second halves of the Underworld. In the first half, the earthquake magnitudes were smaller during the Days than during the Nights. In contrast, the mean magnitude was greater during the fifth Day than during the fifth Night. Then it increased again during both the sixth Day and Night. Overall, the trend of decreasing depth appears to be associated with a trend of increasing magnitude. Additionally, the mean magnitudes were relatively low and constant from the third Day to the fourth Night. Perhaps this static interval marks the reorganization of processes underlying the lower mantle earthquakes.   Figure 5. Mean magnitudes of 10 deepest earthquakes in each Day or Night interval (Odd – Day, Even – Night). Bars indicate +- the standard error.   The oscillating pattern seen in Figure 3 was obtained for the onset time defined by the Galactic Underworld. Would this pattern appear anywhere else in the earthquake record? This question was examined by repetitively shifting the onset of the Underworld one day at a time beginning in August, 1973, and recalculating the number of earthquakes during each Day and Night. The strength of the oscillating pattern consisting of seven points was measured for each onset position by calculating the power spectrum of the counts. The power of the highest frequency given by an 8-point FFT is then proportional to the strength of the oscillating pattern. Figure 6 shows how the strength of this pattern varies from 1973 to the present.   Figure 6. The strength of the oscillating pattern starting on successive days since August, 1973.   A group of relatively large and sharp peaks appears well after day 8386 (Dec 25, 1995) in the graph of Figure 5, so the oscillating pattern of earthquake counts appears to be a fairly recent phenomenon. The pattern is most prominent when the Underworld onset is positioned on days 8786, 9146, 9507, 9881, 10245, and 10605. These correspond to dates 1/27/1997, 1/22/1998, 1/18/1999, 1/27/2000, 1/24/2001, and 1/19/2002. Note that the gaps between the peaks are 360, 361, 374, 364, and 360 days, from left to right. These gaps are close to the duration of the Days and Nights, perhaps because the five peaks in the group are not independent. As the onset time of the input pattern advanced, it moved closer and closer to the time where the pattern was strongest. Eventually, the window aligned with enough of the pattern to give a large response. The size of the response increased as more of the pattern was included in the window, and was largest when the pattern was optimally aligned. Although the peaks are not independent, the graph does show that this particular pattern was localized in time. It did not appear anywhere else at that strength. Perhaps it is no coincidence that the start of the Galactic Underworld is positioned near the center of the group of peaks. It’s onset date is only 13 days before the peak positioned at Jan 18, 1999. It is not surprising then that the input pattern that gave this peak is very similar to the first part of the pattern in Figure 3. The next peak 374 days later has almost the same magnitude because only one of its seven input values had changed. The movement of the window caused a phase shift of the pattern by 180°, but this does not affect the magnitude of the power spectrum calculation. Discussion Most conventional geophysicists would have no reason to expect a sinusoidal pattern in a function related to the number or depth of lower mantle earthquakes. Therefore, the patterns displayed in Figures 3 and 4 would likely be attributed to random processes not requiring further explanation. Certainly, emanations of creative energy from a World Tree would not be recognized as a legitimate force that could influence the physical world. But Calleman’s proposed model clearly predicted the observed effects. A confirmed a priori prediction should not be ignored simply because the underlying model seems too fanciful. This is especially true when the same phenomenon is not predictable in more conventional terms. So does the data suggest a mechanism by which the creative impulse of the model affects the properties of earthquakes in the lower mantle? Up to the fourth Night, Figure 4 shows that the deepest earthquakes were at a shallower depth during the Days than during the adjacent Nights. Consequently, a smaller number of earthquakes would be expected during the Days at depths below 650 km, and Figure 3 confirms that this was the case. With the exception of the first Day and Night, Figure 4 also shows that the depth distributions for these adjacent Days and Nights did not overlap. This would be very unlikely to occur if strictly random forces were at play. Therefore, the observed systematic Day and Night differences in the means must have been caused by a non-random periodic process. Figures 4 and 5 show that the deepest quakes before Day 3 tended also to be of smaller magnitude during the Days relative to the adjacent Nights. From Day 5 onward, however, the steady decline in the mean earthquake depth was accompanied by an almost continuous increase in mean magnitudes. The model proposes that the creative impulse from the World Tree radiates from the earth’s core during the Day intervals. The seismic data suggests that this creative impulse reduces the variance of any physical random process. During the initial part of the Galactic Underworld, the creative impulse during the Days reduced the energy of random processes that normally would have lead to earthquakes. This reduced the number of earthquakes detected close to the earth’s core, and decreased the mean depth of the ten deepest earthquakes. Sometime after 2006, however, the creative energy field seems to have switched on permanently. This caused a continuous decrease in the mean depth of the ten deepest earthquakes. But as the distance from the core increased, the field seemed less able to reduce the earthquake magnitudes. As a result, the mean magnitudes of the ten deepest earthquakes began the monotonic increase seen in Figure 5. The notion of a creative field as a damper on the energy of random physical processes in the world is consistent with Calleman’s interpretation of the Mayan calendar. The creative processes at work during the Days in the physical, biological, and social spheres would be facilitated by such dampening of random or purposeless activity. The field would work during the Day, not to cause creative action, but to remove impediments to it. For some reason, the field appears now to be continuous and increasing rather than pulsed. The increasing reduction of random “noise” at all loci of the fractal World Tree may facilitate expression of much needed creativity. Bibliography 1. Calleman, Carl Johan. Solving the greatest mystery of our time: The Mayan Calendar, London: Bet-Huen Books, 2001. 2. Calleman, Carl Johan. The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, Rochester: Bear and Co., 2004. Index   Are you interested in what’s really going on in the world, behind the facade? Then…www.checktheevidence… happened on 9/11?    

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