Paul (Current Film/Movie)

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2011-02-28 09:43:33

I don’t usually send round film/movie recommendations, but I felt I had to send this one around. It is called “Paul” about a stranded ET who escapes from a military base and tries to get home. It’s a wonderful film – full of great humour (with a big dollop of bad language!) – but it takes on some tough issues and deals with them masterfully (although briefly) and comically.  I cannot recommend it highly enough. (I know the plot would not unfold like it does in the film, but the film makers have clearly done a lot of research). Also, for people who have fond memories of Star Wars, Close Encounters etc will notice a few nods of homage to those movies.   Get it on DVD if you can’t see it at the cinema / theatre. Trailer and info below:……  

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