Kathy Roberts
11 mar 2011
On the heels of Dr. Judy Wood’s new book, Where Did the Towers Go?: The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 wheredidthetowersgo…. comes the mainstreaming of controlled opposition agent, Alex Jones. In the video, below, he is on The View discussing another agent, Charlie Sheen, and his latest public "outrage". Sheen’s scripted blowouts enable Jones to appear on this popular TV show because he’s supposedly concerned for his celebrity pal, whom he flew out to assist in time of need.
But, in characteristic style, Jones breaks into his defense of Sheen to Touretically erupt into tirade-bites about WTC7, the destruction of the economy, the Iraq war, and Bush’s policies. One might think we’d time-traveled back several years as he seems to give our current president’s carbon-copy policies a wide berth. The View hosts merely chide him to stick to the topic, saying nothing about the reference to WTC7 (including conservative figurehead, Elisabeth Hasselbeck) while they give out Jone’s website.
You see, The View’s handlers want their audience to follow the WTC7 lead and the Bush-bashing is now a safe lure for that purpose. What will they find at Jone’s site? That Charlie Sheen is a "9/11 truther" who’s been courageously exposing the "controlled demolition" explanation for what happened to the three towers. He was trotted out in this role by Alex Jones years ago. You think the ABC executives at The View didn’t know what Jones was going to pop off about? They were the ones who allowed former host, Rosie O’Donnell, to discuss controlled demolition in the first place.
Jones further reels in the audience by portraying Sheen as a morally exemplary guy, struggling with a drug problem, being vilified by his detractors. Just another truth-seeking, put-upon celebrity millionaire with human frailties like you and I.
All 9/11 researchers know WTC7 was destroyed that day, so this was another safe reference. But the trail of crumbs leads right to the 9/11 perpetrators’ Potemkin Village of Controlled Demolition, set up years ago to mask the true nature of the crime (see above). Now that it’s had enough time to circulate from "conspiracy theory" circles into "average middle class" living rooms, it’s time to mainstream it.
When something supposedly this controversial is promoted on a TV show with (at its peak), 24.6 million viewers, it’s not an accident.
"Alex Jones Culture Jams the View":
Why did the person who posted this video give it that title? Wikipedia tells us "Culture jamming is a tactic used by many consumer social movements to disrupt or subvert mainstream cultural institutions, including corporate advertising." I took my own title from the MC5’s song, "Kick Out the Jams", which inspired the use of this phrase as a counter-culture rallying cry. As Wikipedia describes it, "Kick Out the Jams has also been taken to be a slogan of the 1960s ethos of revolution and liberation, an incitement to "kick out" restrictions in various forms."
Disruptive, subversive Alex Jones is not fighting this revolutionary battle alone. Truther-at-arms TV journalist, Geraldo Rivera joined him last year. I wrote this about Rivera on November 15, 2010:
On his TV show, Geraldo at Large, Geraldo Rivera, who prominently supported the official explanation for 9/11 and ridiculed the "9/11 Truth Movement", has had a sudden conversion and is now supporting the "Truthers". He says he was wrong–at least as far as WTC Building 7 is concerned! Supposedly, it was a TV ad by 9/11 families that convinced him of an argument that has been around for years.
Yay! Geraldo’s now an enlightened good guy and has turned into a whistleblower for truth!
Oh, please….
Here’s the real deal and I would advise all adherents of the "9/11 Truth Movement" to realize they’re about to get pulled into the latest twist in the labyrinth of 9/11 lies. Of course, the leaders of the "movement" are part of this set-up. The clue to the twist is in a statement by George Bush at a press conference in 2006 (see below).
An activist and researcher, Cathy Garger, alerted me to this statement. I sent out a post on September 14 about an article she wrote on this subterfuge. Please pay attention to the following excerpt. I think it holds the key to the next stage of 9/11 disinformation designed to "demolish" any real remaining truth about that day. Based on the Geraldo video, I suspect Building 7 will be used as the thin edge of the wedge for the gradual revelation that al Qaeda planted explosives in all the towers.
Cathy asks rhetorically:
"This Weapon? That Explosive? What the Hell Difference Does It Make?"
Here’s her important reply:
"The answer, dear reader, is both simple and critical to understand. While explosives and mini-nukes have often been named as the smoking gun for the murder of not merely 3,000 but actually, the lives of millions in Afghanistan and Iraq… these methods can forever be conveniently attributed to "operatives" planting them in the towers. There are certain exotic weapons, however, that only those in power in one nation could have used while not alerting its own air defense. This precisely points the finger (and, most appropriately, our middle one) directly at one nation – and one nation alone."
This is Cathy’s introduction to George Bush’s endorsement of what I call The New Official Story on 9/11 (emphasis mine):
"What suckers we were to believe the lies of supposed "Truth!" Eventually we came to realize those with lofty careers in Intel do not leave their line of work only to retire as "whistle blowers" and "patriots"… exactly the same way that that advanced energy weapon scientists do not pursue such careers merely to spend the rest of their days pushing explosives and controlled demolition, such as the kind of "Truth" Dubya told us about the "operatives" who planted explosives in the towers.
I swear I’m not making this up. On September 15, 2006, President George W. Bush, in the Rose Garden at the White House told reporters at a press conference:
"For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high — a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping." www.youtube.com/watc…"
So, what are the perpetrators, our fearless leaders, really covering up? See my original post here:
"Cathy Garger, researcher and activist extraordinaire, alerted me to this truth years ago. I resisted for a year, swayed by the Official Truth Movement lies, then looked at Judy Wood’s site www.drjudywood.com/, Andrew Johnson’s site www.checktheevidence…, and read Andrew’s excellent book 911: Finding the Truth www.lulu.com/product…. Look there to counter the falsehoods of the "controlled opposition" operatives. Think for yourself! "
Who will be the next Controlled Demolition Culture Jammer?
Kathy Roberts