From: tognola@rocketmail.c…
Date: 2011-06-02 08:16:53
Alex Jones CONFIRMED gatekeeper and NWO provocateurAlex Jones spins Jessie Ventura’s interest on DEW and Dr Judy Wood Andrew and checketheevidence friends, this is good stuff!after hour 1 minute 21 ( youll hear Jones snapping fingers) 9/11 truth Switzerland : Alex Jones CONFIRMED gatekeeper and NWO provocateur 2011/5/31 13:40:00This is good breaking news for all, not so good for me, yet this is to beunderstood only by a few, I usually try to encompass a broad audiance whichwould include people who were teenagers on 9/11, people new to the truthmovement issues, in some cases it is impossible. Please continue to the nextarticles and especially the links that point to Dr. Judy Wood and Andrew Johnsonon the left.Otherwise please listen to Jessie Ventura and Alex Jones Show of yesterday May30 2011 ,at Recording available at this site tomorrow.Congressman Jessie Ventura: I start to suspect he is very corageous and goodwilled. Although he had been worryingly naive in the past, at present he seemsunderstandably confused if he is being honest and I’m not 100% sure due toconflicting information I assume on CIA paramilitary operations in México , thatis when he says that Osama bin Laden carried out the 9/11 attacks with the veryweaponry (chemtrails as plasma aetheric medium, targeted electro-magneticfrquencies silent acoustics the weapon) that has been the topic of divisionwithin the 9/11 truth movement. Our stand on DEW Directed Energy Weapons has hadsome of our proponents and whistle-blowers intimidated, threatened and murdered.Dr. Judy Wood original research and courage had her student assistant murderedand yet she kept her honest stand when even casual coverage has had the fewremaining parts of the uncorrupted 9/11 truth movement attacked and sabotagedfrom the start.This issue is hot, the same scalar interferometry weaponry that Alex Jones hasalways diverted and ridiculed with scary witt and a quite impressive talent forlying with amazing persistence. Please note that I intended no exaggeration inmy loaded description of Mr. Jones, I only wish my wording was somewhatexagerated but I sincerely fear it is dangerously understated.But if Ventura is not being sincere, he would fall squarely under the sameposition which Alex Jones has now been confirmed to be now, and to me,after manyyears of confusing and exhaustig, and very little, reasonable doubt.Not anymore, and it pains me to state and in a way that I try to avoid (which iswhy I said this is one of the rare ocations in which an article is to beunderstood only by a few):I now regard Alex Jones as an enemy of the truth and to be crushed like dustbefore the wind if to serve my faith in the truth. So help me God.I wish I could say this personally and for years some of us beamers (as Dr. JudyWood, Andrew Johnson, myself and many others have been tagged by the greatestmajority) gave up even trying, but the wicked fleed when nobody chased them. Andyet, this shall be posted on his many blogs, addressed in many CC and printedmail to avoid any misunderstandings.Alex Jones is way to smart, perhaps on the genious side of the scale, but thefacts have shown the very opposite of what he claims, not long ago, on air, hesaid ” I am the opposite of a narcissist”, a statement that flies in the face ofhis usual apologetics when caught in the light of a consistent lack ofintegrity, his frequent insolence and ocacional madness.His madness “appears” clinical at times but he is able to recover quite quicklywhen it suits him, henceforth showing the wickedness that we humans are at riskof falling to but that in the case of Alex Jones makes me tread with the samerespect I had been warned to owe to the covenant of darkness, some experience Inever got so far in current affairs since I observed the true wickedness of”humans?” like Stalin. Some one like that must be very close pulling Jones’strings.The long time suspicion of honest researchers for truth is now confirmed :Alex Jones is allowed to talk about sensitive information by the Illuminati ONLYwhen the cat is out of the bag, just like the Nazi propaganda agents did and whohelped lead to the murder of millions of God’s children whose Father grieves andperhaps commands us not to allow again.Fernando TognolaGenevacontact listed outsidefor junkmail protection at:911truth.org911truth….mx