From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-07-16 22:47:23
Some thoughts on the Toronto 911 “Hearings” Andrew Johnson (ad.johnson@ntlworld….) Although “news” of these hearings seems to have been posted in February 2011 (, a couple of people have reposted information about them recently. I couldn’t help wondering exactly what will be “heard” at these hearings. They almost sound like a re-run of the “911 Omission Hearings in 2004 – 911truthedmonton.blo…). When I looked at the guest list (a more appropriate description than “witness” list, in my view) I wondered if we would hear Richard Gage accuse the only person who has done a forensic investigation into the destruction of the WTC – Dr Judy Wood – of practising “witchcraft”? www.checktheevidence… Would we hear David Ray Griffin say Global Democracy is the way forward?…? v=m-TZypcH9eg or would he suggest we resolve the truth about 9/11 by counting the number of google search results?… And would Dr Griffin mention that for his book, “A New Pearl Harbour” (first edition) Richard Falk wrote the foreword?sandiego.indymedia.o… media/2006/10/119637.pdfWould he mention that Falk is a CFR member? membership/roster.html?letter= F Would we hear Steven E Jones say it was safe to dip your fingers in Molten Metal?… Perhaps Dr Jones will suggest that Paint on Thermite was used in the destruction of the WTC: www.checktheevidence… I wonder if the “truth troops” – especially Gage, Gourley, Jones and Harrit will mention Thermite a lot – like they usually do. Will they be honest and report how they “passed” on the opportunity to submit their “conclusive” evidence to NIST? Will Kevin Ryan draw a comparison between the submission he made to NIST regarding the WTC 7 draft report and the submission by Dr Judy Wood? www.checktheevidence… With that said, I feel I am able to hazard a guess at what would NOT be heard. I doubt the “hearings” will mention how the principle of operation of the weapon which destroyed the WTC is now known:… I doubt the hearings will mention Hurricane Erin moving towards NYC for 4 days before 9/11 and making a right hand turn on the 9/12.… I doubt the hearings will mention that a legal case started by Dr Wood in 2007 included a proportion of this evidence in submissions made to the court and in the appeal: Mind you, as long as the subjects covered at the “hearings” are “popular” it doesn’t matter about the truth does it? 🙂 For additional information, please see and….