Saskia Messager, Nov 14th 2011
In the Netherlands today bleu sky and no persistant contrails
Webcam KNMI -> No persistant contrails
Between approx. 10000 and 12000 meters altitude:
Temp: -64°C< T < -53°C
Relative humidity: 12%< rH< 32%
Photo sky De Bilt (camera is dirty but sky crystal clear)
In France today bleu sky and tremendous amount of persistant contrails
Webcam Bordeaux
Webcams météo – Meteo Bordeaux – Le premier site météo pour Bordeaux et le Nord de l’Aquitaine
Radiosonde Bordeaux
Between approx. 10000 and 12000 meters altitude:
Temp: -62°C< T < -51°C
Relative humidity: 20%< rH< 44%
Photo sky Bordeaux
Photo sky Paris region (Bleu sky + persistant contrails + pollution )
The question is why, with those unfavourable atmospheric conditions for persistant contrails (low relative humidity) today in France we still had very persistant contrails ??