New Film: “The SYSTEM”

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2012-01-02 20:37:32

A Broader View Production / A Grayling Barraclough Film/ The SYSTEM   Grayling Barraclough is Blackpool ’s “Best & Brightest” Communicaster and Documentary film maker to be working in this century. He has spent the Autumn of 2011 , travelling across the Un United Kingdom LTD PLC and took time speaking with a vast array of Living spiritual Sentients whom are well aware and wide awake to the engineered program of Genocide pushed upon mankind by the psychopathic banking Elite. He speaks with those who know how to Teach and spread the words of Truth and fact and find many sorts of feasible solutions and those working together to build sustainable living communities, that do not take guidelines, permission or money from either the UN, EU, WB , IMF or Local and National Government profit making Corporations. Given that it is everyone’s God given duty and Sovereign right to stand in Peaceful Non Compliance, which is Lawful Rebellion. Those folks interviewed have already helped empower and save Tens of Thousands worldwide with this knowledge , reality of the Truth of History, and actual facts about Business and Commerce that will change your usual, Perception, Presumptions and Assumptions, that would normally lead most people to a definite and untimely death. They have volunteered to work tirelessly to this end. This is a brilliant, lengthy , extremely detailed, brutally honest and accurate piece of documentary filmmaking in 6 parts that is a definite must watch for all of you WHO WANT TO LIVE. Interviewees include Mike Dobson, Darren Deojee, (peoplespublictrust.c…) Mark Ceylon (www.getoutofdebtfree…) Michael of Elmet & Michael of Bernacia ( ) Roger Hayes and Brian Gerrish (… & www.lawfulrebellion…. ) Freeman on the Land (  freedomnorthwest.soc… ) and  many others. This will ultimately be one of the most important documentaries of 2012, and its only January with much more to come, please watch, listen, absorb and act now, DO NOT CONSENT. (Text by. Andy aka Odin Wild Hunt at NEWS TRUTH RADIO, full documentary, now playing… & freemanireland.ning…. )   Broader View Productions / A Grayling Barraclough Film/ The SYSTEM   Channel… The System Full Length Trailer The System Part 1 The System Part 2 k The System Part 3 The System Part 4 g The System Part 5 The system Part 6…

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