FW: Mind control could be future of warfare.

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2012-02-15 09:53:40

Attachments : Letting it “all hang out”. Comments are quite interesting. But anyway, we sort of know what the black world already has… and what they do with it (I am thinking MILABS)   From: Sent: 14 February 2012 19:40 To: nonlethal2@yahoo.com Subject: Mind control could be future of warfare.   Mind control could be future of warfare. www.newscientist.com… Mind control could be future of warfare ·                            17:28 07 February 2012 by Andy Coghlan ·                            Magazine issue 2851. Subscribe and save ·                            For similar stories, visit the Weapons Technology and The Human Brain Topic Guides Wars of the future might be decided through manipulation of people’s minds, concludes a report this week from the UK ‘s Royal Society. It warns that the potential military applications of neuroscience breakthroughs need to be regulated more closely. “New imaging technology will allow new targets in the brain to be identified, and while some will be vital for medicine, others might be used to incapacitate people,” says Rod Flower of Queen Mary, University of London , who chairs the panel that wrote the report. The report describes how such technology is allowing organisations like theUS Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to test ways of improving soldiers’ mental alertness and capabilities. It may also allow soldiers to operate weaponry remotely through mind-machine interfaces, the report says. Other research could be used to design gases and electronics that temporarily disable enemy forces. This potentially violates human rights, through interference with thought processes, and opens up the threat of indiscriminate killing. The panel highlights the time that Russian security forces ended a hostage siege in a Moscow theatre in 2002 by filling the venue with fentanyl, an anaesthetic gas. Along with the perpetrators, 125 hostages died. The Chemical Weapons Convention is vague about whether such incapacitants are legal. Ambiguities like this must be ironed out, say the panellists.   New forms of warfare to come (Image: Scott Nelson/Getty Images)  

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