From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2012-07-29 15:43:14
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What spell has been cast to stop people who report these things asking these sorts of questions? From: Sent: 29 July 2012 14:47To: Steve KelleySubject: Were the Batman murders a covert op? Finally someone asking some tough questions…(Some of you might be familiar with Jon) Were the Batman murders a covert op? Friday, July 27, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport The obvious way to begin an investigation is to look at the event itself for any obvious contradictions or unexplained details.For example, in the Batman murders, we have two witnesses who were in the theater and implied there were accomplices.One witness, Corbin Dates (aka Dayton), told Aurora news outlets a man sitting in the front row took a cell phone call and went to a side exit, propped the door open with his foot, and seemed to be signaling somebody. Ten to 15 minutes later, James Holmes appeared in full gear with weapons as the exit door swung open The other witness (no name as yet) stated that, during the massacre, a gas canister was thrown from a direction where Homes wasn’t. Despite the statements of these apparent witnesses, Aurora Chief of Police Daniel Oates claims he is sure James Holmes acted alone.But we need to back up. First of all, neither witness actually IDed Holmes. They IDed a man who was dressed in black from head to toe, wore a helmet, body armor, and a gas mask. Actually, no one has identified Holmes as the man in the theater. How could they? His face and body were covered and concealed.How did the shooter get into the theater? Clad in black, wearing body armor, carrying several weapons, he buys a ticket and walks in with everyone else? Authorities suggest he came through a side door. If so, how did he know the door would be unlocked? After a few months of meticulous planning, he simply hoped it would be?Watching these two witnesses being interviewed by TV news reporters is extremely frustrating. The reporters have their hands on potentially explosive information and they don’t follow up. Nor do they press police for comments on the witness statements.Nevertheless, from what we can provisionally surmise about the crime scene, there are huge gaps in the official scenario—if we can even call it a scenario.Standing out above everything else is the fact that no one can ID Holmes as the shooter.We are told by police that, after Holmes was done killing people in the theater, he exited a side door (the same door through which he had entered?), stood quietly, and surrendered himself to the authorities. This, too, is unclear. The police were already stationed at the exit door? Holmes waited until they arrived? Was he still holding weapons?It’s said he was calm. He gave himself up.After killing scores of people and wounding others, the first-time shooter was calm? How could this be? Well, drugs would enter the equation. What drugs? Vicodin. Others? Where were these drugs obtained? Who wrote the prescriptions? Where is the doctor? Why have we heard nothing about a doctor? What, exactly, going back into childhood, is Holmes’ pharmaceutical history?If this was a true covert op, it would have been easy for a pro shooter to decimate the people in the theater, slip out the exit door with his accomplice or accomplices, where the patsy, Holmes, drugged, was waiting with other operatives. After dousing Holmes with gunpowder residue, the pros left the scene, disappeared into the night, leaving a pre-programmed Holmes there to confess to the crime and state that his apartment was rigged with explosives.If this is how things happened, it would explain how Holmes, possessed of no apparent knowledge about constructing bombs, could have had his apartment wired with exotic devices. Holmes didn’t put them together. The pros did.At Holmes’ court appearance on Monday, he certainly looked drugged as he moved slowly in the courtroom and sat in his chair. If so, who gave him the drugs in jail?Of course, huge gaps exist in Holmes’ life story. We have no explanation for his transformation from a young eager science student into a blank-faced defendant in a mass-murder case. Had he ever been to see a psychiatrist? If so, what drugs were prescribed? Ritalin, which can cause violent behavior? Antidepressants, which can cause violent behavior?Had he ever been enrolled in a clinical trial of an experimental drug? During his brief matriculation at the University of Colorado , Denver , had he been used in a neuroscience experiment? The web page for the University neuroscience department, where Holmes studied on a government grant, has been taken down.One oddity about the investigation of the killings: the FBI presence is minimal. We don’t know what the FBI is doing behind the scenes, but by contrast, in the 1999 Columbine massacre the FBI was all over the scene in a very visible way. They interviewed witnesses, processed evidence, and made public statements. Here, they’re in the background. Why?I offer one possible explanation. In Columbine, the FBI became a lightning rod for doubts and questions, and accusations of overlooking/suppressing evidence that would lead to more than two shooters. Here in Aurora , it’s all local: “we have the killer, he’s in jail, the case is proceeding, nothing to see, move along.” This appears to be an intentional strategy. Keep it simple, don’t stir up the populace.We’ll have to watch, as the disposition of the court case unfolds, to see whether the “simple” strategy is extended. Perhaps we’ll have a guilty plea and a quick sentence. Or perhaps court-appointed psychiatrists will decide Holmes is incompetent to cooperate in his own defense, in which case he’ll be remanded to a mental facility for a period of time, after which he’ll quietly enter a guilty plea and be sentenced. But what does “incompetent” mean? Drugged into submission?I believe there are specific items of evidence which, if known, would provoke new questions on top of the witness statements above. For example, was an older model (outdated) police car seen leaving the area of the theater after the shootings? What was the blood evidence on Holmes’ clothing and shoes? Whose blood was it? Did it belong to victims inside the theater? Was Holmes, as he stood at the exit to the theater and surrendered himself, covered in more blood than he would have accumulated as a shooter? In other words, was he set up as the designated patsy?And are there more witnesses in the theater who saw accomplices? If so, as in Columbine, they will, no doubt, be told by law enforcement to keep quiet. If there is a trial, will Corbin Dates and the other anonymous witness mentioned above be asked to testify? The chances are slim to none.If the Batman murders are indeed a covert op, the motives behind it don’t need much explanation. The UN Arms Trade Treaty, which has been under final discussions in New York since July 3rd, and is due to wrap up on July 27th, is a new step in the direction of gun confiscation, despite its announced aim of limiting only the export of weapons from one nation to another. Once the Treaty is signed, it will need senate ratification to go into effect and impact the 2nd Amendment. That ratification is the hard part for gun-control advocates. The tragedy at the Batman premier on July 20 could act as a pressure wave-front on senators to rubber-stamp the treaty.Other motives to stage the shootings in Aurora ? The manufacture of a consensus for massive “crime prevention,” and that means the extended use of medical drugs to influence behavior and the brain toward the goal of passivity and conformity—with the victims ENJOYING IT. (See Soma, the drug of choice in Huxley’s Brave New World.)Rest of story can be found here:…