From: rawtruth
Date: 2012-09-01 16:47:54
drgreersblog.disclos… claims that “Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event but it has never been made public.”and that, when requesting testimony from Armstrong for the Disclosure Project, a “friend” of Armstrong said that”Armstrong wished he could but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed.”One must ask, what kind of “friend” of Armstrong would reveal this to Greer and potentially put Armstrong and his family at risk?Is this just more sensationalism from Greer to promote his new movie Sirius?BTW the murder of Arm Kaleka’s father at the Sikh Temple has apparently had no effect on the production schedule of the movie (see subsequent post at same link above).