I have posted this statement from Lawrence Wright, as he does not currently have access to a website of his own and he has refuted allegations posted at www.thewrightdiet.co… – this website was formerly being used to sell the products listed in this PDF – wright diet supplement instructions _2_.pdf (1.4 MB)
Statement from Lawrence Wright re Wright Diet
31 Aug 2012
LAWRENCE WRIGHT lozwright@yahoo.co.u…
I feel you should know that all the allegations posted about myself on James Stewart’s version of the wrightdiet website are false.
– I sold no wright diet packs from his home nor have I every sold any at New Horizons. The only thing I sold at New Horizons since my oxygen therapies talk was bicarbonate of soda tooth powder at £2 a pack and himalayan rock salt at £4 a pack all purchased with my own funds.
– James Stewart has accused myself and James Preston of taking and dealing in hard drugs from his home. I have never taken or sold any drugs, if he has any evidence of this then he should go to the police.
He has also posted the address and telephone numbers of both mine and James Preston’s parents on this site which I believe is a breach of the data protection act.
– James Stewart left the responsibility of keeping the garden in order with James Preston. When I left the property it was considerably cleaner than when I arrived, this can be demonstrated by the fact that there are no internal shots of the property and the only thing he could find fault with was light bulbs that hadn’t been replaced. The photographs of the black binliners around the silver car shown on THEWRONG DIET have been fabricated. These bins were behind the gate which you can see in one of the photos. They have been taken out and put by the car to make it look like the garden was a mess.
– James Stewart accused me of using Paul McGoldricks ebay to buy ozone machines and then sell them on and pocket the cash. This is a lie, I bought the machines on my own ebay account in May of this year before I even met Paul McGoldrick and sent James Stewart a copy of my ebay account to prove this.
I am accused of scamming people to sell reverse osmosis water filters. I do not sell reverse osmosis filters, If anyone asks for a supplier I recommend waterfilterman. I do not receive any commissions from any sales made.
I am also accused of scamming people with foot spas. I have never seen a foot spa, talked about, bought or sold any foot spas. This is pure fiction.
I am accused of providing detailed information on James Stewart and Jen so Paul McGoldrick could intimidate them. Well he does not state what this detailed information is. The only information I had when stopping at his house was his phone numbers which were pinned to the wall, I did not even have his Benidorm address. James Stewart must be mad to think I would try and force him out of the wright diet by getting someone else to intimidate him. Why on earth would I do anything against James who has always been kind and helpful to me in the past and was allowing me to stay rent free in his home with all bills paid. How does he imagine I would force him out when he had ownership of the website and any revenues from sales were not going to me.
I am also accused of taking Paul McGoldrick off his medication which again is a lie. Paul McGoldrick had come off his medication of his own accord 2 weeks before I even met him.
The fact is I have received numerous threatening and intimidating texts from Paul McGoldrick myself. I have saved them all, if you want to see them then send me your mobile number and I will forward them to you.
There is also an allegation of women’s things and stains on the back seats of James Stewart’s car suggesting someone had sex in the back. I have never been in that car other than as a passenger with James Stewart.
He has accused me of selling products that are not labelled with ingredients and dosages. This is completely untrue, all containers were fully labelled and detailed instructions were given in a handout with each pack and also on the website.
He also accuses me of selling animal products not fit for human consumption. He has put this on the website despite being provided with clear evidence that this is not true. The MSM is from an equine supplier but is human grade and is of the highest quality on the market. If you go to the website www.equineanswers.co… and look at the product information on the msm you will see I am telling the truth. By buy buying from an equine supplier you get the same product that humans use at a much lower price as horses need much larger doses and they wouldn’t sell much if they charged the same as those marketed for humans.
Let’s take a look at these dangerous products that were in the wrightdiet packs.
PH strips: These are to test whether your saliva is acidic or alkaline. A healthy alkaline body will give a green colour on the saliva test.
Himalayan Rock Salt: This is widely acknowledged as the best salt in the world and is endorsed by Philip Day and Mercola.
Organic Chlorella: This is to help chelate heavy metals from the body it is alkaline and very good for the body.
Food Grade Calcium Bentonite: This is also know as a healing clay and is used to remove heavy metals from the body.
Calcium Ascorbate: This is a buffered form of vitamin C and is very gentle on the stomach
Pure Distilled Human Grade MSM: MSM has a multitude of benefits and is widely used and sold in health shops worldwide.
Oxy Detox Drops (6% food grade hydrogen peroxide) This is supplied with the same protocol as detailed in the book "flood your body with oxygen" I have done the protocol myself with only good effects as have several members of New Horizons.
Pure Bicarbonate of Soda: This is widely available throughout the world and the protocol is only a level teaspoon twice a day for three weeks only to give a kick start to improving body alkalinity.
Please tell me what is harmful or dangerous with any of these products? I have personally taken all of them at dosages several times that stated on the packs with only positive effects and have not received any reports or complaints of adverse effects from anyone who has bought them only good reports.