No one at the 9/11 / BBC / TV Licence Court Appearance Held Up Banne

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2013-02-25 22:49:48

Attachments : Scroll down. Looks like someone went to quite a bit of time to make the banner….…   TV licence evader refused to pay because the ‘BBC covered up facts about 9/11 and claimed tower fell 20 minutes before it did’ Tony Rooke represented himself at Horsham Magistrates’ Court in Sussex Told inspector on visit in May 2012 that he would not be paying licence fee Rooke said he was withholding fee under Section 15 of Terrorism Act 2000 This states it’s an offence for someone to provide funds used for terrorism He said he didn’t want to give money to an organisation ‘funding terrorism’ Rooke said BBC claimed World Trade Centre 7 fell 20 minutes before it did But judge made Rooke pay £200 costs and gave him conditional discharge By MARK DUELL PUBLISHED: 18:49, 25 February 2013 

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