From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2013-06-04 22:59:32
For folks in the UK, use the links below if you wish – I am sure you can work out how to do this in other countries too! Please consider sharing, forwarding etc. From: gramSent: 04 June 2013 21:38To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: GMO Hi Andrew (Please would you consider sending out on your email list many thanks’ Graham P) With the recent world wide protests on Monsanto and with little to NO coverage from the Mainstream (commercialised) media reporting it, I thought it would be a good idea to contacting the major food stores and asking them about GMO food. The more people that ask and show their concern about this issue, the more likely that the message could reach somebody that cares and is able to do something about it. If you don’t ask you don’t get.”Inaction is perhaps the greatest mistake of all.” (Charles Schumer) Links: letter only …Dear Sir/Madam,Would you please let me know the following:1. Where can I read your policy regarding genetically modified foods?2. How do I know if any of the foods I buy from your store have been genetically modified?3. How do I know if any of the animal based products like (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk etc) have come from animals that have been fed genetically modified food?4. Will you consider labelling all your products about GMO content and at least give customers a choice?5. How could customers obtain a list of all products that have either been genetically modified or have involved genetically modified products anywhere in their supply chain? For example the meat or the animal may not have been genetically modified directly but its food stuffs or artificial medications were. Thank youRegards