From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2013-08-04 11:30:29
More “perception management” in the Daily Mail – one of the main online sources, now, for this sort of thing… Thanks to Mark G and Steven S for sending me this link! From: Steven Sent: 04 August 2013 10:20To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: Mystery of the dark shadowy line pictured shooting from a cloud over Florida beach that has left weather experts stumped Hi Andrew, I hope you are well. More contrail disinfo in the Daily Mail.… The final picture on this article is very interesting – along with the caption “Theory: A meteorologist suggested that what Weight had observed was actually a shadow of a condensation trail left behind jet aircraft known as a contrail.” Translation: “Should you see this when looking out the window on your holiday flight, there’s nothing to see here, move along.” Cheers, Steven