From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2013-09-01 23:38:53
I have seen some of the other postings and messages and what not that have been sent around, but I have sort of kept this issue at arm’s length – partly because it just seems like a time warp to 10 years ago or something. However, I was just alerted to a January 2013 article which was deleted from the Daily Mail… It’s still in the Internet Archive though:… The article refers to Alex Jones and the person who sent it to me asked me for my thoughts. This is the gist of what I told him. It has recently been the case that Jones has been “promoted” more widely in the mainstream – he was on a BBC chat show with Andrew Neil 2 or 3 months ago… He came off sounding like a nutcase – and he doesn’t discuss enough solid evidence to back up his rants. However, the info in the Mail Article re the chemical weapons attack ties in with what 4* General Wesley Clark said in 2007… This was in 2007. Perhaps Jones even quotes Clark, I don’t know. What I think is going on is something like this: Alex Jones (and sources like him) is/are being used to disclose these illegal activities and illegal false flags. The mainstream can write this off as “nutty Alex Jones trash”. The “hidden” hand – whilst not as hidden as it was – still has all the power it needs to do these things. Politicians daren’t talk about it because it’s so “crazy” and they perhaps realise – consciously or subconsciously – there’s nothing they can do. We get to know the hidden hand is doing it anyway – and so they get our consent – they take our power. But, the BBC and other mainstream sources would NEVER play the Wesley Clark video on main news. It would raise too many questions – Hence, they put Alex Jones “in the middle of it” to introduce confusion and the opportunity to mock, ridicule etc As a footnote, Wesley Clark is one of the few officials who has commented about the Roswell Crash – and what he said was extremely interesting. Read about it on David Rudiak’s site:…