Andrew Johnson / Mark Conlon – 14 Sep 2013
Also See: 9/11 – What Happened at the WTC and How it is Covered Up and
Markus Allen’s Disappearing Buildings on 9/11 and
Flight 175 and The Truth about ‘The Truth in 7 Minutes’ in FIVE Minutes
Mark Conlon updated this article in Jan 2017. Below this version is the original version.
Disinformation in Flight 175 Rare Video (Posted Sep 11 2013)
Andrew Johnson / Mark Conlon – 14 Sep 2013
Recently, a "Rare Video" of Flight 175 apparently hitting WTC 2 on 911 was re-circulated. This was originally shot by Michael Hezarkhani. In this video:
Though the video correctly states that the way the crash and explosion happens is impossible (if a normal plane was involved), the thrust of this video is that it must be fake, because the plane wing passes behind a certain building when it should not be able to do this, because it is claimed the building in question is behind WTC 2.
A short analysis by Mark Conlon clearly shows that this conclusion is not correct. See below this for additional information.
The picture below shows the Michael Hezarkhani video with the two buildings in question which Markus Allen claims the plane’s wing passes behind.
In the picture below it will help us to understand the two buildings location in relation to the South Tower in Michael Hezarkhani video.
The picture below also helps to demonstrate the location of the two buildings in question in relation to the Twin Towers at ground level. They are located to the right of the Twin Towers.
Below I have inserted the plane’s trajectory into the picture to demonstrate how plane’s wing should have passed behind the two buildings in question, when you consider Michael Hezarkhani’s location on board the ferry at Battery Park.
The picture below plots Michael Hezarkhani’s location and the location of the buildings in question and also the plane trajectory.
Although the two buildings appear to the left in the Michael Hezarkhani video still image below, they are in fact as I have established to the right and in front of the South Tower, this optical effect is due to the parallax viewing position of Michael Hezarkhani.
To understand how Markus Allen made this error, and misrepresented the buildings location we must understand how parallax views work. Please see the picture below to help understand parallax viewing perspectives.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight.
In the picture below the buildings appear to be to the left of the South Tower, when in fact they are really located to the right. Depending on the point of reference as in the picture below where Michael Hezarkhani is located, the buildings will appear to be to the left of the Towers. This is called parallax viewing. If the camera perspective was located more to the left, then the two buildings would appear to move more to the right. This is how simple errors are made due to not understanding parallax viewing perspectives in videos and photographs.
In conclusion:
The plane’s wing should have passed behind the buildings in the foreground in the Michael Hezarkhani video, and not in front as Markus Allen claims in his video where he misrepresented the buildings location. He also didn’t take into account Michael Hezarkhani’s location and viewing perspective. It is clearly demonstrated that CGI or video fakery was used in this video, but more of an attempt to discredit the Michael Hezarkhani video, and call into question the legitimate evidence captured within it. Unfortunately Markus Allen has shared his video far and wide across the internet, where it has been re-circulated by people unknowingly promoting the false information contained in it in the video, which I feel was the deliberate objective of Markus Allen himself to promote ‘video fakery’.
Andrew Johnson:
Original Version of this article:
Recently, a "Rare Video" of Flight 175 apparently hitting WTC 2 on 911 was re-circulated. This was originally shot by Michael Herzakhani. In this video:…
A short analysis by Mark Conlon clearly shows that this conclusion is not correct. See below this for additional information
The video was featured in Uncensored Magazine and on the "before it is news" site. This video is almost certainly it is the work of Ace Baker – whom I have written quite a lot about in my articles in 911 Finding the Truth –, but has been re-posted on Markus Allen’s YouTube channel. I also talked about the Herzakhani video, about which there are many questions, in my presentation called "911 Finding the Truth", which is included on the page just linked.
Markus Allen has also posted this video:
Quite a professional job. You will quickly spot a few recognisable faces in YouTube still in this posting which includes the above video:
The video is quite professionally done, I think – certainly very engaging in its style of presentation.
In large part, thanks to Richard D Hall’s analysis, linked above, it has become clear video fakery doesn’t explain the discrepancies in the plane stories and evidence. Another person who has strongly promoted the video fakery and "crisis actors" scenarios is Simon Shack, whom I wrote about here:
So the message is again, it is easy for disinformation to be deliberately inserted into material which has perfectly valid and legitimate conclusions in it.