From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2013-11-10 22:54:46
Sorry if you get 2 copies… Though I did not see this, I did see the guest list.… Cynthia McKinney, Norman Finkelstein, Peter Tatchell, Jim Marrs, Gerald Celente, Richard C. Hoagland, Lauren Moret and Leah Bolge Also a viewer posted on my YahooGroup The first ever programme on The People’s Voice has just started and the subject of 9/11 has a;already come up. I’m glad David mentions 9/11 Truth in the first programme of The People’s Voice already. But he’s mentioned Richard Gage and Architects and Engineers, but NOT Dr Judy Wood. see: Leuren Moret – hmmmm….. she was told by Alfred Webre in a discussion of “9/11 and HAARP” NOT to mention Dr Judy Wood. She complied (it’s on my website). I have other evidence on my website about Mr Hoagland in relation to this matter too. So, David Icke mentioned Richard Gage too – why, then does he not mention a book he sells on his website – a book called “Where Did the Towers Go”? Weird stuff… I wonder which “People’s Voice” this will turn out to be…