Starchild – Crowd Funding Initiative for Further DNA Tests

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2013-12-07 14:55:05

Attachments : Please consider contributing, or at least forwarding to other interested people. Repost the link:…   on Facebook, Twitter etc.   Share This Campaign: Follow EMBEDEMAIL Help fund DNA testing on this unusual Skull to advance medical research, and to find out whether it is a new species. Preliminary results indicate that it is not a human, not a deformity, and not like anything ever seen before. What’s So Special About A Skull?The Starchild Skull is a 900 year old human-like skull that experts such as Dr. Ted Robinson and his colleagues believe is not only a species previously unknown to science, but one that could potentially lead to the development of treatments or even cures for a host of human health problems. The unusual bone and DNA of this Skull may hold the key to fighting everything from osteoporosis to dental problems, genetic defects, and an unknown number of other conditions. Sound like science fiction? This is science fact: Right now researchers are using the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes in research on everything from HIV to Cancer. To learn more about this, and what experts speculate may come from the Starchild Skull, visit Any actual treatments are years of hard work and research down the line, and it is impossible to predict what medical benefits may ever be developed from the Skull, but the only way to get THERE is to start HERE. The good news is that we already have a head start. An independent lab using the same ancient DNA recovery technology used to recover the Neanderthal genome has extracted a large amount of raw DNA data from the Starchild Skull samples. This raw data is a jumble of information that is useless until it is analyzed, organized, and put in a meaningful order. To do this requires a dedicated and specialized computer system, numerous specialized computer programs, and a dedicated programmer. This campaign is to raise the funds needed to pay for this dedicated computer system and programmer. No member of the Starchild Project, the group of volunteers who have coordinated research on the Skull since 1999, has ever taken a penny in salary. All work is contracted to independent labs and experts and we will post regular research updates to There is no way forward with the research until this step is taken, and the dedicated system and programmer are crucial for advancing the ongoing Starchild Skull research. We cannot expect to decipher the entire genome out of this one step, but nonetheless it IS a massive step forward. The Neanderthal genome cost $6.4Million to get a first draft (one-fold coverage), so there are other steps that will need to be taken to recover and sequence the entire genome, but this is something we can do right now, that can start to have an impact right away. The more we raise, the more we can do, and the faster we can do it. Every day we can’t make progress uncovering the genome is another day that any potential good that can come from this Skull is delayed. There are limited resources available for research (why do you think there is a charity for every disease and ailment?) it is down to the public, to you, to see how insanely cool, important, life-changing, and historic this Skull can be. Think You Can’t Help?Even if you can’t contribute financially, doesn’t mean you can’t contribute. Share us with friends, family, even that weird uncle you have (especially that weird uncle you have!) Use the sharing links below or spread the word any way you like, just get out there and tell someone. When Can I Expect Delivery? As soon as we verify your donation we will email you a beautiful printable gift notification, and if relevant, a printable temporary Supporter Certificate, so you don’t have to wait to start enjoying your perk. This campaign runs until January 11th, and most rewards will not be mailed to you until after that date, please check individual rewards for estimated delivery dates, and get in touch with us if you have any specific questions. Also Find This Campaign On: Facebook Twitter Website Team on This Campaign: Amy Vickers Campaign Manager Matthew Brownstein COO, Starchild Project melanie young Founding Member of the Starchild Project Ray Young Founding Member of the Starchild Project Help make it happen for the team! Contribute to Help This Skull Help Mankind. CONTRIBUTE NOW ▶ 0.05852 Complete $4,389USD Raised of $75,000 Goal 36 days left CONTRIBUTE NOW ▶ Flexible Funding This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal. Funding duration: November 28, 2013 – January 

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