From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2013-12-12 09:02:24
Attachments :Uncovering Aliens.png In case anyone wants to have a look (we don’t have this channel ourselves…) From: Dave Hodrien […] Sent: 11 December 2013 21:12To:…Subject: Uncovering Aliens Advert (Forwarded by Birmingham UFO Group) New TV Series – UNCOVERING ALIENS The first episode of Uncovering Aliens will be broadcast on the Animal Planet Channel on Sunday 15th December at 11pm. The starting point for the series is: UFO craft are real; they are piloted by sentient ET beings; and they are in contact with the human race. Period. Four specialists in their field investigating the ET presence on planet Earth: Steven Jones, Mike Bara, Maureen Elsberry and Derrel Sims. The program investigates reports of a government cover-up of ET activity in the area of Sedona and the possibility of a secret underground base. It shows film of a ‘Black-Ops’ helicopter pursuing the investigating team. They uncover amazing new photographic evidence of huge ET craft seen over the area and an abduction encounter experienced by the photographer. It culminates in ET craft appearing in the skies of Sedona after being ‘invited in’ by Steven Jones, an ET Contact Experiencer.