From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2014-04-03 09:22:25
From: Starchild Project [mailto:contact@starchildpro…] Sent: 02 April 2014 20:15To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….Subject: New X-Ray Info and Updates New X-Ray Info and Updates Newsletter April 2nd, 2014 New X-Ray Info The Project Team dug into the vault and pulled out the first X-Rays ever taken of the Starchild Skull and human companion. Plus explanations of what you are looking at, and why even this most basic of tests builds the case that it is not human. Read More… Are You Missing Out? If you aren’t following the Starchild Project on Facebook then you are missing great posts like this one from former neonatal nurse and Project co-founded Melanie Young “…If we could find out what made this a viable birth then we could develop ways to help other babies with birth defects…” Read More… New Testing Update We don’t have any results yet, but two separate labs are working on two separate tests, one for proteins and the other for minerals. We will keep you updated as soon as we have new information, and you can find out what we are doing and why on our website. To catch up on De Novo Protein Sequencing click here… To catch up on the new Mass Spec. Mineral Analysis click here… Sequencing the entire genome is still the end goal, but these two complimentary tests may yeild some very interesting results that we hope will generate the support we need to finish the DNA testing. Please Consider Making A Donation. Your donations directly support our valuable work. The Starchild Project is staffed by unpaid volunteers, and research is contracted to independent labs. We appreciate your support, and hope you will share this newsletter with friends and family. This message was sent to ad.johnson@ntlworld…. from: Starchild Project