From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2014-05-02 10:07:22
This segment:… caused me to post the comment below on the same page. Unfortunately, this is a partial contradiction of what was covered in the previous segment with Dr Wood. Alex (the researcher) does not seem to realise that AE911 are NOT telling the truth about WTC 7. They suggest that thermite and/or explosives were used. As Jesse himself said in an interview with Alex Jones, it was NOT a traditional controlled demolition.… Something else happened to WTC 7 – and that is analysed in the book already discussed – Dr Wood also submitted comments to NIST – the gist of which are shown in these pages:…… want to censor and cover up Dr Judy Wood’s research – and I have, with the help of others, written extensively about this:… goes beyond a “difference of opinion” or “egos”. AE911 have never started legal action like Dr Judy Wood and Dr Morgan Reynolds did (more investigation is also required by the researchers into the plane stories here). This is explained here.… you want the whole truth or a “limited hangout”. Who will do the so-called “new investigation”? Who is trust worthy and independent enough? I think that question was answered in the 2 interviews with Dr Judy Wood. Of course, WTC 7 is a glaring anomaly in the 9/11 story – but it can be used a “limited hangout” and people can (and do) then say things like “it doesn’t matter what actually happened, we just know the government story is false.” Would you say the same about a friend or relative who died or was killed? “It doesn’t matter how they died (etc) – I just know that what I was told by xxxx was no true. PLEASE understand the importance of this and don’t me mislead by apparently credible groups (like AE911) or individuals (like Richard Gage)