From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2014-05-24 14:51:37
Attachments : Something apparently new from Dr Steven Greer…… I read through to page 10 – and discovered this: “Undoubtfully, if this information was released to the public, it would cause a worldwide religious panic.” So it would appear that whoever wrote this document is not that good at English. There are several other phrases which are not particularly eloquent and are grammatically incorrect, so I think these documents are probably fake. My guess would be that someone has taken this posting:… which has been on there for 10 years… they have printed it out, added a “Top Secret” type logo, re-photographed it (badly) and then sent it to someone. www.siriusdisclosure… Project Aquarius Documents From the Desk of Dr. Steven Greer: On May 21, 2014, we received a cache of Top Secret documents related to “Project Aquarius” , a purported Majestic 12 (MJ-12) covert project related to UFOs/ETs. Previously, summaries of the documents have appeared on the Internet. However, we received photos of the actual documents. To our knowledge, this the first time the ACTUAL (not just a transcript) of the full cache of documents has been released . These documents, as well as their transcription, can be viewed below. It is NOT KNOWN if these are legitimate US government documents. We note several typos and other errors. These typos do not, per se, discredit the documents since typos routinely occur, especially in government documents. It should be noted that the information in the documents conform to other known evidence and events and is substantially correct. We are seeking anyone with DIRECT FIRST HAND knowledge of the provenance of these documents, or anyone personally connected to Project Aquarius and the other code-named projects mentioned in these documents, or any related ops. Second-hand opinions are of less value, though all are entitled to his or her opinion. What would be most helpful is corroboration by any first-hand sources. The person who sent us these documents has numerous legitimate contacts in covert aerospace and military projects related to UFOs and is a credible and reliable source. We are releasing these documents quickly for security reasons, as we feel it is not wise to let significant time pass between our receipt and public release of the documents. If they are legitimate, they are potentially historic and explosive. Thank you for your help in locating any first-hand corroborating sources for these documents- and for any corroboration of the other code-named projects, events and operations described in the documents. -Dr. Greer (For ease of viewing, the transcription of each page has been placed in the caption below.) For a single PDF version of this fascinating document, please click here. For a Microsoft Word document version of the full transcription, please click here. TOP SECRET EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE EXECUTIVE BRIEFING SUBJECT: PROJECT AQUARIUS {TS} ATTENTION THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY MJ-12. MJ12 IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SUBJECT MATTER DOCUMENT CONTROL: ECN 0001 CLASSIFIED BY: MJ12-EO-34012 DECLASSIFY ON: EXEMPT CAT 1 REC/770614 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET CLASSIFICATION AND RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS{TS/ORCON} The information contained in this document is classified TOP SECRETwith ORCON. {Only the originator may release the information} Only MJ12 has accessto Project Aquarius. No other government agency, to include the military, has accessto the information contained in this briefing. There are only two copies of ProjectAquarius and the location is known only to MJ12. This document will be destroyedafter the briefing. No notes, photographs, or audio recordings, may be made of thisbriefing. PAGE 0 of 0TOP SECRET PROJECT AQUARIUS {TS/ORCON} {PROWORD:DANCE} Contains 16 volumes of documented information collec-ted from the beginning of the United States Investigation of Unidentified FlyingObjects {UFOs} and Identified Alien Crafts {IAC}. The Project was originally es-tablished in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of NSC and MJ12.In 1966, the Project’s name was changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius.The Project was funded by CIA confidential funds {non-appropriated}. The Projectwas originally classified SECRET but was upgraded to its present classification inDec 1969 after Project Blue Book was closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was tocollect all scientific, technological, medical and inteligence information fromUFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collec-ted information has been used to advance the United States Space Program.{TS/ORCON} The proceeding briefing is an historical account of the United StatesGovernment’s investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered Alien Aircrafts andContacts with Extraterrestrial Life Forms. PAGE 1 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET EXECUTIVE BRIEFING{TS/ORCON} In Jun 1947, a civilian pilot flying over the Cascade mountainsof Washington State observed nine flying discs, {later referred to as UFOs}. TheCommander, Air Technical Intelligence Center of the then Army Air Force, becameconcerned and ordered an inquiry. This was the beginning gof the United StatesInvolvement with UFO investigations. In 1947 an aircraft of extraterrestrial orgin,crashed in the desert of New Mexico. The craft was recovered by the military.Four Alien {non homo-sapiens} bodies were recovered in the wreckage. The Alienswere found to be creatures not related to human beings {Atch 1}. In late 1949,another Alien aircraft crashed in the United States and was recovered partially intactby the military. One Alien of extraterrestrial origin survived the crash. Thesurviving Alien was male and called itself, “EBE”. The Alien was thoroughly in-terrogated by military intelligence personnel at a base in New Mexico. The Alien’slanguage was translated by means of picturegraphs. It was learned the Alien camefrom a planet in the Zeta Riticuli star system, approximately 40 light years fromEarth. EBE lived until Jun 18, 1952, when he died of an unexplained illness. Duringthe time period EBE was alive, he provided valuable information regarding spacetechnology, origins of the Universe, and exobiological matters. Further data iscontained in Atch 2. PAGE 2 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET {TS/ORCON} The recovery of Alien aircrafts lead the United States on an exn-tensive investigative program to determine whether these Aliens posed a directthreat to our national security. In 1947, the newly created Air Force initiateda program to investigate incidents involving UFOs. The program was operated underthree different code names: Grudge, Sign and finally Blue Book. The originalmission of the Air Force program was to collect and analyze all reported sightingsor incidents involving UFOs and determine whether the information could be in-terrupted as having any bearing on the security of the United States. Some in-formation was evaluated with the idea of using the gained data to advance ourown space technology and future space programs. 90 percent of the estimated 12,000reports analyzed by the Air Force were considered hoaxes, explained aerialphenomenas or natural astronmical objects. The other 10 percent were consideredlegitimate Alien sightings and/or incidents. However, not all UFO sightings orincidents were reported under the Air Force program. In 1953, Project Gleem wasinitiated by order of President Eisenhower, who believed the UFOs presented a threatto the national security of the United States. Project Gleem, which became ProjectAquarius in 1966 was a parallel reporting for UFO sightings and incidents.Reports collected under Project Aquarius were considered actual sightings of Alienaircrafts or contact with Alien Life forms. Most reports were made by reliablemilitary and defense department civilian personnel. PAGE 3 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET {TS/ORCON} In 1958 the United States recovered a third Alien aircraft fromthe desert of Utah. The aircraft was in excellent flying condition. The aircraftwas apparently abandoned by the Aliens for some unexplainable reason, since no AlienLife forms wer found in or around the aircraft. The aircraft was considered atechnological marvel by United States Scientists. However, the operating instrumen-tations of the aircraft were so complexed that our scientists could not interrupttheir operation. The aircraft was stored in a top security area and analyzedthroughout the years by our best aerospace scientists. The United States gained alarge volume of technological data from the recovered Alien aircraft.A detailed description and further information regarding the aircraft is explainedIn Atch 3. PAGE 4 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET {TS/ORCON} Several independent scientific investigations at the request ofthe Air Force and CIA, were initiated during the era of Project Blue Book. MJ12decided that officially, the Air Force should end their investigation of UFOs.This decision was arrived at during the _ _ _ _ meeting {Atch 4} in 1966. The reasonwas twofold. First, the United States had established communication with theAliens. The United States felt relatively sure the Aliens exploration of earthwas non-aggressive and non-hostile. It was also established that the Aliens presencedid not directly threaten the security of the United States. Secondly, the publicwas beginning to believe that the UFOs were real. The NSC felt this public feelingcould lead to a nationwide panic. The United States was involved in several sen-sitive project during this time period. It was felt that public awareness of theseprojects would have jeopardized the future space program for the United States.Therefore, MJ12 decided that an independent scientific study of the UFO phenonenawould be needed to satisfy public curiosity. The final official study of the UFOphenomena was accomplished by the University of Colorado under Air Force contract.The study concuded that sufficient data did not exist that would indicate UFOsthreatened the security of the United States. The final conclusion satisfied thegovernment and allowed the Air Force to officially step out of the UFO investigatingbusiness PAGE 5 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET {TS/ORCON} When the Air Force officially closed Project Blue Book in Dec 1969,Project Aquarius continued operation under control of NSC/MJ12. The NSC felt in-vestigations of UFO sightings and incidents had to continue in secrecy withoutany public knowledge. The reasoning behind the decision was this: if the AirForce continued its investigation of UFOs, eventually some uncleared and unbriefedAir Force or defense department civilian officials would obtain the facts behindProject Aquarius. Obviously {for operational security reasons} this could notbe allowed. In order to continue the investigation of UFO sightings and incidentsin secrecy, investigators from CIA/DCD and MJ12 were assigned to military and othergovernmental agencies with ordes to investigate all legitimate UFO/IAC sightingsand incidents. These agents are presently operating at various locations throughoutthe the United States and Canada. All reports are filtered either directly orindirectly to MJ12. These agents are collecting reports of UFO/IAC sightings andincidents occurring on or near sensitive governmental installations. {NOTE: Alienshave been extremely interested in our nuclear weapons and nuclear research. Manyreported military sightings and incidents occur over nuclear weapons bases. TheAlien’s interest in our nuclear weapons can only be attributed to the future threatof a nuclear war on earth. The Air Force have initiated measures to assure thesecurity of the nuclear weapons from Alien theft or destruction}. MJ12 feels con-fident the Aliens are on an exploration of our solar system for peaceful purposes.However, we must continue to observe and track the Aliens movement until it is de-termined that the Alien’s future plans contain no threat to our national security orthe civilization of earth. PAGE 6 of 9 TOP SECRET Visitation of earth back some 5,000 years. EBE reported that 2,000 years ago his ancestors planted a human creature on earth to assist the inhabitants of earth in developing a civilization. This information was only vague and the exact identity or background information on this homo-sapien was not obtained. Undoubtfully, if this information was released to the public, it would cause a worldwide religious panic. MJ3 has developed a plan that will allow release of Project Aquarius, Volumes I thru III. The release program calls for a gradual release of information over a period of time in order to condition the public for future disclosures. Atch 5 of this briefing contains certain guidlines for future public releases. PAGE 7 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET TOP SECRET {TS/ORCON} In the 1976 MJ3 report {Atch 6} , it was estimated the Alien’s tech-nology was many thousands of years ahead of the United States technology. Our scientistsspeculate that until our technology develops to a level equal to the Aliens, we cannotunderstand the large volume of scientific information the United States has alreadygained from the Aliens. This advancement of United States Technology may take manyhundred of years. PAGE 8 of 9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRETSUB PROJECTS UNDER PROJECT AQUARIUS 1. {TS/ORCON} PROJECT BANDO: {PROWORD: RISK} Originally established in1949. Tis mission was to collect and evaluate medical information from the sur-viving Aliens creature and the recovered Alien bodies. This Project medicallyexamined EBE and provided the United States medical researchers with certain answersto the evolution theory. {OPR: CIA} {Terminated in 1974}.2. {TS/ORCON} PROJECT SIGMA: {PROWORD: MIDNIGHT}. Originally establishedas part of Project Gleem in 1954. Became a separate project in 1976. Its missionwas to establish communication with Aliens. This Project met with positive successwhen in 1959, the United States established primitive communications with theAliens. On April 25, 1964, a USAF intelligence Officer, met two Aliens at a pre-arranged location in the desert of New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximatelythree hours. Based on the Alien’s language given to us by EBE, the Air Forceofficer managed to exchange basic information with the two Aliens {Atch 7}. Thisproject is continuing at an Air Force base in New Mexico. {OPR: MJ12/NSA}.3. {TS/ORCON} PROJECT SNOWBIRD; {PROWORD:CETUS} Originally establishedin 1972. Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alien aircraft. This projectis continuing in Nevada. {OPR: USAF/NASA/CIA/MJ12}4. {TS/ORCON} PROJECT POUNCE: {PROWORD:DIXIE} Originally establishedIn 1968. Its mission was to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to spacetechnology. PROJECT POUNCE continues. {OPR: NASA/USAF} PAGE 9 of 9 TOP SECRET- See more at: www.siriusdisclosure…