From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2014-07-22 10:37:09
Attachments : Here we see all the elements of information warfare… Some interesting points on Nick Kollerstrom’s page, though I don’t trust Jim Stone (promoted false information about EXIF data in image files) or Paul Craig Roberts (911 thermite sniffer), both of whom Nick K quotes…. From: George Sent: 20 July 2014 19:43Subject: Fw: Flight MH17 was CANCELLED. IT DIDN’T FLY From: George Robert Tuck Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 7:41 PM To: starsradioclub@yahoo… Subject: Flight MH17 was CANCELLED. IT DIDN’T FLY Remember, a Malaysian airlines BOEING 777 went missing a couple of months ago with absolutely nothing found? Well now a second Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 has been shot down, they tell us. Was plane number one, MH370 as I said it would be, just the thing needed to “act” as another plane in a staged terrorist attack? A false flag that was needed to start an international incident? 17 July, Eastern Ukraine: A Malaysian Boeing 777 aircraft exploded into flames at 33,000ft, allegedly hit by a surface-to-air missile Hmm, what plane could that have been? the daily Malaysian Airlines MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was CANCELLED THAT DAY – See authentic flight data at:… So, it did not fly…… Highlighted in BLUE Full story here:…