From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2014-08-17 23:24:25
Not too surprising… From: Anthony Beckett [mailto:anthony.m.beckett@gm…] Sent: 17 August 2014 10:55To: Andrew Johnson; AYEM; CatherineSubject: Fwd: [Exopolitics Great Britain] Important Annoucement: Disinformation in the UFO Research Community Important Announcement: Disinformation in the UFO Research Community Peter Robbins has been involved in UFO studies for more than thirty years, as a researcher, investigator, writer, lecturer, activist and author. He is co-author – along with Larry Warren, of the British best-selling book, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation. Peter has recently published a free book which exposes the 2014 book “Encounter in Rendlesham Forest” by Nick Pope as an attempt to dis-inform readers about the real events that occurred at the twin bases of RAF Woodbridge and Bentwaters in December of 1980. Robbins new book, Deliberate Deception: A Case of Disinformation in the UFO Research Community is available at no cost and people are encourage to download it, read it, and share it with as many friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances as possible. The book can be downloaded in PDF format in 7 parts thanks to Steve Mera of Phenomena Magazine: visit the Phenomena Magazine download page to download this book today. Also available here:…