Coincidental Timing With 9/11 Commemoration?

From: realiseyourefree

Date: 2014-09-05 15:19:31

Hello As we’re about to commemorate thirteen years since the horror of ‘9/11’ I’ve been pondering over what tactic this event’s orchestrators and psy-operatives would give us to side line an increasingly curious populace into further ‘September 11’ research. YouTube’s Jamnoise; a popular chemtrail and truth researcher has recently uploaded some very convincing footage of what appears to be a UFO with a very bight white light which is unmistakable. Apologies if you’ve already seen it, but there’s a serious connection to the 9/11 cover-up I feel. DAYTIME UFO MORPHING!! INCREDIBLE!!! DAYTIME UFO MORPHING!! INCREDIBLE!!! PLEASE WATCH UNTIL THE END BEFORE COMMENTING. I was praying and meditating in my garden and then this light/object appeared. We watched it for… View on Preview by Yahoo Several others have also captured this phenomenon so by now it’s likely to be generating some great interest online amongst those that care enough to look into it further.As with the hyped-up media controversy when the new 9/11 Museum (link below) was unveiled in NYC earlier this year (For example, Mosque near former WTC and other relevant issues discussed in Reynolds Reveal 21 May, again see link below) the approaching repeated public focus on the 9/11 anniversary will undoubtedly be giving the cover-up agencies a new job of distracting people away from the ever increasing importance of Dr Judy Wood’s evidence and court case.  Visit the 9/11 Memorial Museum  Visit the 9/11 Memorial Museum Visit the 9/11 Memorial Museum View on Preview by Yahoo Oh, tickets for the cover-up museum, just $24 and you can donate to the perpetual cover-up museum too. The Reynolds Reveal Archives  The Reynolds Reveal Archives    Listen to the live show here every Wednesday @ 5pm-7pm EST / 4pm-6pm CST Reynolds Reveal – Episode #053 – Hr 1 Reynold’s Reveal – Ep#53 Wed May 2… View on guerillamedianetwork… Preview by Yahoo Whether the apparent UFO is actually a physical object in the sky I’m uncertain, but knowing how advanced their technology is it would be foolish to rule out that it is a projected image. Food for thought. As a side note – the wonderful Zen Gardener blog r I&O bY] yRҡd {>2G 1 N win~oROr׷G ‘Tj9H@ Ç ڛ{p^pEw ?RYx’N_2/}/Pxwt’EA8zl6 hcxN k1:Uۘ+taC[e wE’;t&7_&Ecww;l=?̴ y E>>ddy*

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