Sterling Allan

From: garyv_va

Date: 2014-10-04 14:21:42

A few years back I had an email exchange with Sterling Allan in which he became thoroughly incensed when I pointed out how Dr. Wood’s 9/11 work totally invalidated the notion of thermite as a cause of the WTC destruction and as well revealed the deceptive nature of Dr. Steven E. Jones, who apparently was, and still is, a friend of Sterling Allan’s (they are both Mormons, who seem to stick together as tightly as the Jews do).In the last year or two, Sterling has taken a more receptive view to Dr. Wood’s work, but still seems to have the nutty idea that Jones’ ideas can be reconciled with her presentation of the evidence and refuses to accept any inference that Jones is part of the cover-up.Nevertheless, I still gave Sterling Allan some credibility as a reporter of various so-called “free energy” technologies across the world, although none of those he’s reported on has ever been validated by any rigorous scientific testing, AFAIK.However, his following self-penned article reveals just what a real fruitcake he really… think his wife got it right; my only question to her would be, how did you manage to stand him for 15 years?Be sure to scan to the end, where Sterling shares a truly nutty “evaluation” of Dr. Steven Greer.The older I get, the more it seems to me that a person’s religious beliefs blind them to the truth more than any other single factor, probably because the mind control in that department has been going on for a very long…

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