From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2015-03-17 10:21:32
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New compact fusion reactor from Lockheed Martin – A massive propulsion unit – The MFD I described also New compact fusion reactor from Lockheed Martin could change humanity forever This unit replaced the three multimode propulsion unit used on the 200 feet wide prototype of the TR-3B I’ve been waiting for this for almost two decades. What they are not telling you is that we’ve had this fusion reactor propulsion for over 20 years and it’s smaller than they describe: Show me something here I didn’t predict and detail about the TS Flying Triangle! Now that this is out, I feel less threatened by my previous disclosures. Or perhaps my disclosures on the Flying Triangle and Magnetic Field Disrupter forced the Black Programs to reveal this sooner than they wanted to. The three point propulsion units on the triangle use this tech. The MDF uses a modified form or the same technology. What do you think? Superconducting Super cooled magnets large fusion plasma =propulsion!!! This invention could possibly modify civilization as we know it: Presented by Skunk Works, , the stealth experimental technology section of Lockheed Martin, a compact fusion reactor about the size of a jet engine, capable of powering airplanes, most likely spaceships, and cities. Skunk Works state that it will be operational in 10 years. Aviation Week had complete access to their stealthy workshops and spoke to Dr. Thomas McGuire, the leader of Skunk Work’s Revolutionary Technology section. And ground-breaking it is, certainly: Instead of utilizing the similar strategy that everyone else is using— the Soviet-derived tokamak, a torus in which magnetic fields limit the fusion reaction with a enormous energy cost and thus tiny energy production abilities—Skunk Works’ Compact Fusion Reactor has a fundamentally different methodology to anything people have tried before. Here are the two of those techniques for contrast The crucial point in the Skunk Works arrangement is their tube-like design, which permits them to avoid one of the boundaries of usual fusion reactor designs, which are very restricted in the sum of plasma they can sustain, which makes them giant in size—like the gigantic International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. According to McGuire: “The traditional tokamak designs can only hold so much plasma, and we call that the beta limit. Their plasma ratio is 5% or so of the confining pressure. We should be able to go to 100% or beyond.” This design lets it to be 10 times smaller at the same power output of somewhat like the ITER, which is anticipated to produce 500 MW in the 2020s. This is essential for the use of fusion in all kind of uses, not only in huge, costly power plants. Skunk Works is committed that their structure—which will be only the size of a jet engine—will be capable enough to power almost everything, from spacecraft to airplanes to vessels—and obviously scale up to a much bigger size. McGuire also claims that at the size of the ITER, it will be able to produce 10 times more energy. The one thing here to remind everyone is that Lockheed Martin is not a stupid dude working in a garage. It’s one of the world’s major aerospace and military corporations. McGuire also understands that they are just starting now, but he says that the architecture of this compact fusion reactor is sound and they will progress rapidly until its final operation in just a decade: “We would like to get to a prototype in five generations. If we can meet our plan of doing a design-build-test generation every year, that will put us at about five years, and we’ve already shown we can do that in the lab. So it wouldn’t be at full power, like a working concept reactor, but basically just showing that all the physics works.” After five years, they believe to have a completely operative model prepared to go into full-scale construction, capable of producing 100MW— which is enough to power a huge cargo ship or a 80,000-home city—and its size will be 23 x 42 feet only which is quite amazing. Google: Check out these links New compact fusion reactor from Lockheed Martin…..69i57j69i64j69i60.3224j0j8&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8 Compact Fusion – Check out these impressive images… MFD? The magnetic coils inside the compact fusion experiment are critical to plasma containment, as pictured in this undated handout photo provided by Lockheed …… Cut away view Schematic View of the Magnetic Field Disruptor (MFD) Top right they say liquid metal vortex and below that ‘plasma‘ – They don’t admit or disclose the ‘mercury based plasma.‘ INSIDE the MFD The magnetic vortex force field I described…. I’ll be god dammed. The MFD model. Michael ViCoactus Sarkezi Designed back in the 50’s, perfected in the 70’s and publicly patent in the 80’s. Suppressed technology has been going on for … All these pictures can be viewed in full size in the above link where I show you the image link on Google