Re: Enigma TV wrongly characterises Starchild Skull

From: realiseyourefree

Date: 2015-03-23 10:54:07

Yes, good points! I think Everard and Enigma have been doing this for too long to know the difference between what is factual verifiable evidence and fabrications. We know the Starchild skull and Lloyd Pye’s research scientifically proves this cannot be a human skull. So as far as I’m concerned it is no accident that Enigma, Everard and even Icke for that matter (who has pushed Everard’s material for some time now) are ‘limited hangouts’.  These people are no better than Gage et al, because they are covering-up factual evidence. How can it be otherwise!  I think they must be worried or under some threat even to keep pushing fabrications like this. If anyone can prove evidence to the contrary in support of Everard et al please share it.

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