From: jon_devlin
Date: 2015-05-01 12:25:37
I don’t keep up with UFO’s anymore but,don’t know about anyone else but I’d never heard of this one and looks like it was about early 2004 when it reached the UK Ufo magazines, I didn’t read Fortean Times much in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s I was more a Nexus reader and I don’t think they even posted this at that time?… A bit of short InfoThe possible cover-up sources website or an actual debunking of this?The Aztec UFO Scam The Aztec UFO Scam New Mexicans for Science and Reason The Aztec, NM UFO Scam The Aztec UFO Reading Room Fortean Times #181, March 2004: “Incident at Aztec” View on Preview by Yahoo