From: Hilary Jane Kitching Date: 2015-06-22 16:08:37 I appreciate you having a debate on the subject Ben, but why use the old “9/11 was an inside job” as a basis for debate as the mainstream 9/11 un-truth movement have been doing this for well over a decade,…
Month: June 2015
From: jon_devlin Date: 2015-06-22 15:15:06 Hi Ben, I was curious who this person was and the context for the debate so I’m listening to the interview that spawned your debate request with Andy. I think your on a hiding to nowhere with this guy, I don’t know…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2015-06-19 22:42:35 Thanks to David who sent me this: “I’ve run into a fellow who converted Leedskalnin’s literary works into audio books.… He would make a really good interview.”
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2015-06-19 10:37:51 Thanks to Ted for sending me this video. It takes its time to make some very good observations on some of the later missions videos… Can we say that Orange Juice was the final nail in the coffin of the…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2015-06-18 19:19:05 I’ll try to make it a learning session, AndrewHPANWO Voice: 9/11 Debate- Ben Emlyn-Jones vs Andy Mercer HPANWO Voice: 9/11 Debate- Ben Emlyn-Jones … 9/11 Debate- Ben Emlyn-Jones vs Andy Mercer I will be taking part in a live radio debate about…
From: jon_devlin Date: 2015-06-18 12:14:40 Hi Ben, thanks for sharing this article and it does bring up the issues I certainly have regarding what and/or who to believe in the Space arena? Do I trust NeverAStraightAnswer only in as much that I’m fairly sure they exist but to…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2015-06-17 16:50:45 Very interesting article indeed by Mr Kouts. The official record from NASA and the US Gov and scientific community is effectively saying the same thing as we are, albeit on a tacit, between-the-lines level… that Apollo NEVER HAPPENED!
From: benthejrporter Date: 2015-06-17 16:39:57 Is There Really A Secret Space Program? Is There Really A Secret Space Program? Gary McKinnon, NASA & What We’re Not Being Told
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2015-06-13 10:14:11 Attachments : Someone sent me a new article from Nexus Mag about the Orion programme – it’s on David Percy’s site here:… Worth a read as it’s quite technical (written by a techie using a pseudonym). If…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2015-06-12 21:01:00 Just thought I would send this round. A chap called Paddy from the Hull Truthjuice group got in touch with BBC Humberside. I was then contacted by James Peikos and we had a 15-minute chat on his programme today. For those…