From: mohanprao Date: 2015-07-31 22:52:20 And of course – ALWAYS be wary and question everything.In this case, the pieces of the puzzle Jan Irvin brings together match well with the big picture of Timothy Leary and Terrence McKenna being paid agents as well as the other social…
Month: July 2015
From: mohanprao Date: 2015-07-31 22:37:54 Fetzer and Smallstorm have shown obviously misleading sides in their talks. Jan Irvin appears to be an honest researcher from what I´ve seen and read from his Gnostic Media site. The evidence presented in his psychedelic revolution articles seem to be based…
From: mohanprao Date: 2015-07-31 22:32:24 I´ve looked at Passio´s work very carefully. I think I listened to all of his 191 two-hour podcasts after viewing several of his videos.I have not seen anything misleading or incongruent with his message.I will be showing his videos in my town…
From: jon_devlin Date: 2015-07-31 13:14:48 Defense Contractor Attempts To Conceal Advanced Weaponry Defense Contractor Attempts To Conceal Advanced We… Defense Contractor caught concealing information from the public.Read more → View on thefifthcolumnnews.c… Preview by Yahoo
From: jon_devlin Date: 2015-07-30 10:07:04 Also, Mark Passio is a name that you might want to look at more closely and for me its enough that he cites as sources for his work the following Icke, Jordan Maxwell (Russel Pine) and the smooth Irish Micheal Tsarion who…
From: jon_devlin Date: 2015-07-30 09:52:44 And if this wasn´t enough, it totally blew my mind that the entire Sharon Tate murders in 1969 by Charles Manson was a complete hoax! Just like the Sandy Hook mass shootingsI think people should be wary of articles that cite Sandy Hook as…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2015-07-27 18:58:26 Could be a coincidence, but…HPANWO Voice: Three Climate Scientists Killed HPANWO Voice: Three Climate Scientists Killed Three Climate Scientists Killed A Cambridge oceanographer has made an extraordinary statement; the deaths of three of his colleagues might be a seri… View on hpanwo-voice.blogspo……
From: benthejrporter Date: 2015-07-27 18:57:35 Thanks, Andrew. This looks very good. (See you on Wednesday in High Wycombe)
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2015-07-26 23:54:23 New video series that has just been sent to me by someone (Peter)!… Many thanks to Peter!
From: benthejrporter Date: 2015-07-26 18:44:32 HPANWO Voice: Hellyer Checks the Evidence HPANWO Voice: Hellyer Checks the Evidence Hellyer Checks the Evidence The Rt. Hon. Paul Hellyer MP, a former defence minister for Canada , is one of the most high-profile people to speak out about t… View…