From: realiseyourfree
Date: 2015-09-30 08:18:28
The books you have listed and the Nazi revisionists conveniently fail to mention the thousands of Allied troops who suffered and died horrible deaths after being captured by the Nazis in battles such as St Valery in 1940(e.g The 51st Highland Division and two 500 mile “Death” Marches). So I guess their accounts are irrelevant and Hitler was a great guy for turning a blind eye to the torture:Escape Route Green: Flight from Stalag XXA Escape Route Green: Flight from Stalag XXA Escape Route Green: Flight from Stalag XXA View on Preview by Yahoo Ask why Red Cross food parcels were allowed in the camps to save the POW’s from starvation; because the Red Cross is linked to who? Idolisation of any leader and religion is foolishness and gets in the way of truth and freedom. Also have you not heard of the Vatican Rat Lines? :Ratlines Blowback America’s recruitment of Nazis, and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy Ratlines Blowback America’s recruitment of Nazis, an… Ratlines excerpted from the book Blowback America’s recruitment of Nazis, and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy by Christopher Simps… View on www.thirdworldtravele… Preview by Yahoo Consider the famous outgoing speech of Pres. Eisenhower in 1960 when he warned of the military industrial complex. I wonder who organized and scientifically aided and abetted that process! Nazi scientists and their associates of course. There is little to no difference between Stalinism and Nazism, they’re both socialism, they both persecute and they both kill. If you’re going to kill off the white race you ensure have both sides of the war well and truly controlled and make sure they look as if they on opposite sides. 1984 George Orwell Movie Trailer (1984) 1984 George Orwell Movie Trailer (1984) New trailer for 1984(1984) starring John Hurt. Edited by Lectorsmith. View on Preview by Yahoo Finally, only real Jews suffered under the Nazis, the same people who are still being persecuted today alongside the Muslims. There is no argument, leaders are false hope as is the newly paraded Jeremy Corbyn I’m afraid to say. —In Cognoscence@yahoogro…,