Paul La Violette – Superconducting Levitation Thruster

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2016-04-18 10:38:03

I received this link from Paul La Violette, so thought I would share it here with the message I received from him:  ============  Dear All,  I am writing to you because we have had some contact in the past or have corresponded by email.  I wanted to take this opportunity to ask if you would help on an R&D project that our group will soon be carrying out.  This will be to build and test a new field propulsion levitation technology invented by Professor Athanassios Nassikas of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly in Larissa, Greece which, if it works, has the potential to completely transform society for the better.  Over the past few years I have been working together with him on this and have created an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign, accessible at:…, to help raise money for this research project.  At this link, you can view an 11 minute video about this amazing new technology and also read an accompanying story about it.  After learning about it, I would encourage you to make a contribution to our fund raising campaign, to help us reach our $32,000 goal, which is the amount we will need to build and test their new thruster prototype.  Any amount you can donate should help.  I first heard Dr. Nassikas speak about his earlier superconducting reactionless thruster invention at a scientific conference in 2012, and found it extremely fascinating.  It seems that his invention may have the potential to completely transform deep space travel to our solar system’s planets and beyond to the stars.  Tests have shown that this conical maglev thruster invention, which we call the Nassikas thruster-I, can deliver 1000 times more thrust per unit mass than the Xenon ion propulsion engine that NASA has used to propel its Dawn spacecraft beyond Mars to Ceres.  It is no wonder that one NASA scientist who is involved in the search for advanced innovative concepts has asked us to keep them informed of our progress in its development.  What is amazing is that this novel device is able to accomplish its propulsion with absolutely no physical energy input.  It just needs to be cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures or below, conditions that are readily available in space behind a sun shield.   To say the least, the Nassikas thruster discovery will require that physics undergo a major revision of its laws as applied to superconductors.   But it gets better than this.  Last month, Dr. Nassikas filed a PCT patent application on a second generation superconducting reactionless thruster, termed the Nassikas thruster-II, which is essentially a conically shaped superconducting coil and calculations predict that it should develop over 30,000 times more thrust than his first version.  Hence it should be able to lift heavy payloads off the ground.  We have thoroughly researched this thruster design, and have engaged a company who builds superconducting coils to carry out computer simulations of its electrical and magnetic characteristics.  By employing straight forward standard Lorentz force equations commonly used by physicists and superconducting coil designers, we find that this special conical design should develop a tremendous lift force.  In fact, we find that it should be capable of delivering 9 times more thrust, per unit thruster weight, than the Space Shuttle main engine.  Given the success of Dr. Nassikas’ first conical maglev thruster design, and these more recent simulation results, we are quite confident that our planned second generation prototype should work as expected and self-levitate off the ground.   Moreover like his first version, it is predicted to accomplish this feat with essentially no energy input other than what is needed to initially energize the coil.  The thruster design is simple and elegant, and many may find all of this almost incredible.  Remember the self-levitating hoverboard in the movie Back to the Future?  If it works, this invention may make this a real possibility, including even pollution free electrical generators, and spaceships able to travel to the nearest stars.  We hope you will want to get involved and help us do something that will be really important.  Please take time to read about what we are doing, spread the word to your friends, and post our campaign link on your social media pages.  Tell everyone to visit our page at:… .  All the best,  Paul LaViolette  CollaboratorNTCo (Nassikas Thruster Cooperation) Athens, Greece  DirectorThe Starburst FoundationNiskayuna, NY / Athens, Greece

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