From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-05-26 00:27:06  This is the death knell – a full-on debunking article to trash all the original research –  my prediction made in the last paragraph was correct.Additions to article:  1.     I think Melanie Young (or someone) probably destroyed the first copy – this…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-05-24 07:58:17 Gary,  Someone else read your comment and sent me the other posting – I know we haven’t been told the truth about the holocaust – or Hitler’s true role in it – but then Nazism is a whole separate issue and…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-05-24 00:45:25 I was just sent this message regarding the “Hitler” video I posted earlier today. It’s well-observed (Red Ice Radio being a case in point of what was meant).I read a reply to your latest Cognoscence post. Hope this is of interest……

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2017-05-23 23:57:11 It’s caused me quite some mental angst writing this new article. Please share, or not, as you wish. Starchild Project – Keeping the Record Straight  Andrew Johnson – ad.johnson@ntlworld…. May 2017 For those people who don’t know about the so-called Starchild…

From: garyv_va Date: 2017-05-23 11:44:47 Andrew, while I can appreciate the sentiment behind this video, I am no longer amused by jokes about Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists of Germany. The truth about Hitler and the so-called Holocaust has been covered up and distorted even more…