From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2017-12-10 20:24:27
Attachments :www.checktheevidence… Richard D Hall 10 Dec 2017(Introduction by Andrew Johnson)Readers of this website will know that I have been following Dr Steven Greer’s activities since 2003. You can read other referenced articles here. Particularly troubling is that earlier this year, he essentially admitted he works for the CIA.Greer’s latest film and book, called “Unacknowledged,” was heavily promoted (see bottom for an example email from the “marketing department”!) I presumed (and stated to some people) the film and book would be a diluted repackaged version of 17-year old interviews that had first been presented in “The Disclosure Project” in 2001. At least we can be thankful that most or all of these videos are available on Sirius Disclosure’s YouTube Channel…Here is Richard D Hall’s analysis.I have just watched Steven Greer’s latest film “Unacknowledged” and here are my opinions at this present time. I watched the film once and the notes here are from my recollections, so there may be slight inaccuracies from what I recall from the content.1. There was nothing new in the film. Every speaker and piece of information I had seen before.2. It was very broad brush. No technical details. It was emotional, with Greer crying at one point. The filmed used highly emotional music throughout.3. The moon landings were mentioned as being real on more than one occasion. This is unproven and very likely untrue. Please see Richplanet programme no. 249, “Analysing the Astronauts”.4. Edward Snowdon was mentioned as an example of a real whistleblower who has exposed Non USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Programmes) information. Ie information that is less secret than alleged UFO related projects. Please see Richplanet programmes 240 and 247, which show that Julian Assange is not what he claims to be. One of Wikileaks most prominent “whistleblowers” is Edward Snowden who I believe is a controlled CIA or NSA asset. Therefore making “mainstream media-aligned” claims about Snowden are aiding CIA/NAS operations, in my opinion. [i.e. Snowden hasn’t revealed anything about 9/11 or the UFO cover up.]5. There were continual references to “USAPs” throughout the film, but he did not produce detail about any project which is claimed to be a USAP. I suspect the military probably don’t use that term any more, as it is being so heavily used in films like this.6. There is contradiction in what he claims those running the cover up are doing. On the one hand the film goes to some lengths to show that mainstream media is controlled and ridicules the UFO and ET phenomenon, which is all orchestrated by those running the cover up. I would agree with this. But on the other hand he claims that cattle mutilations and abductions are all being done by the military purely for the purposes of psychological manipulation of the public, to make people think UFOs are hostile. Presumably if they are making people think they are hostile, it means they are making people think they are real. This is a contradiction of his previous argument that their policy is to ridicule the subject to make people think aliens are not real. No evidence is presented for this alleged psychological operation, and no evidence is presented to show that the military are carrying out mutilations or abductions.7. Most of the film was regurgitated material, quite old UFO material, eg, Robertson Panel, Condon Report, Blue Book, Paperclip, Nazi research, Ben Rich quotes etc. Much of it was from his original disclosure project witness interviews. Michael Schratt was featured heavily and a new interview with Daniel Sheehan was featured, repeating what he has said in previous interviews about Jimmy Carter. Also, an old interview with Philip Corso was featured briefly, along with a few Roswell witnesses.8. In the section on suppressed energy, no actual devices were discussed in any detail. Cold fusion was not mentioned. Stan Meyer was mentioned and Greer stated that the authorities removed a “torroidal object” from Meyer that tapped energy from the zero point. He did not say “coil”. This is very vague, because a torroidal object could mean they confiscated a doughnut. Eugene Malove was shown very briefly, but not talking about cold fusion, he was just making some generic comments. Tom Beardon was also shown, but nothing of any interest, this was taken from one of his old energy video series.9. I thought quotes from Mark Mccandlish were taken deliberately out of context. At first he talks about a hanger which contained an alien reproduction vehicle hovering off the ground. The way this is edited, makes you think he saw this himself, but I don’t believe this is the case; I believe he was only told about it, and did not witness it himself. [The witness’s name was Brad Sorenson – see McCandlish’s documentary about the Fluxliner.] Then in the next sentence he talks about craft performing incredible manoeuvres. He is here, I believe, actually talking about his own UFO sighting (either by sight or on radar) NOT about a secretly developed ARV. It looks like they have edited the film to make it look as though Mccandlish actually witnessed an ARV performing incredible turns and manoeuvres etc. This was misleading in my opinion.10. There was no mention of the TR3B, no mention of Ed Fouche, even though there was much talk of development of secret craft from back engineered alien craft. This omission is very significant.11. Weapons and warfare was mentioned, and development of secret weapons. But no mention of 9/11 was made in this context. There was one shot in the film, very briefly of the building 7 “collapse”, but this was not linked to weaponry.Animal / Human MutilationsThe claim that the mutilation phenomenon is just being done as a psy op is ridiculous in my opinion. I don’t know who is responsible for mutilations. But I do not believe the military would risk getting caught killing horses, cats, sheep, rabbits and foxes in middle England, in populated areas, during peace time. These are criminal acts which have been occurring regularly for decades all over the world. The military would risk getting shot at by farmers or challenged or filmed. I can’t say that some mutilations are not carried out by a human group, but Greer’s suggested motive for the mutilations is ridiculous, and I would guess there is a reason for his implausible evaluation.That tells me one of his purposes may be to help confuse the mutilation phenomenon, ie, to stop people looking for a REASON for the mutilations. He is effectively saying there is no physical or medical REASON for the surgical procedures and for the precise removal of organs and blood which are never recovered, and that it’s just about creating FEAR. The soft tissue and blood is not being removed for a purpose other than fear? So he is claiming that they take all of the blood without leaving a trace of blood on the ground (which in the case of a horse is 40 litres), and they then dispose of the blood somewhere away from the mutilation site. They have no use for the 40 litres of blood that they take, they just transport the 40 litres of blood away from the site and dispose of it to “create fear”.If Greer’s reasoning was correct, it means we don’t need to look for the reason or purpose of the mutilations. I deduce from this that the true purpose of the mutilations is being covered up, and that he is helping this cover up. This lines up with the cases I have looked into with David Cayton, in as much as the autopsy reports have always been kept from the animal owner. If they wanted to just spread fear, why would they need to suppress the autopsy reports? Surely this would create fear, which he claims is the motive. But again his motive contradicts the ridicule element mentioned earlier. It is my belief that there is a blanket cover up on animal/human mutilations in the mainstream media, probably by a “D” notice, and there is dis-information being put out into the alternative media (by Greer and others) about mutilations, to hide the real purpose.9/11He is also a 9/11 gatekeeper in my opinion. This was established by his admission (not in this film, but on 21st November 2015) when he was asked about 9/11. In his answer he indicates that he has known about the towers being destroyed by a directed energy type of weapon since it happened, and that he has been told that there was advanced knowledge of 9/11 by certain people in the US government, and that people would be killed if they spoke about it. He mentions development of secret weapons technology in the film, but fails to mention his previously stated knowledge of energy weapons used on 9/11. I would be very surprised if he is not aware of the work of Dr Judy Wood, but neither she, nor her work is mentioned in the film. If he is discussing covert weaponry he should be referencing the “Where Did the Towers Go?” book.Man Made Antigravity CraftThere was zero explanation of how the secret (man made) UFOs work. How their propulsion works. Nor was their any mention of how the energy systems work. You would think by now he would be able to put certain speakers on camera who can talk about the principals of these energy and propulsion devices. As he did not mention the TR3B or Fouche, it looks like he is also a gate keeper for classified propulsion technologies.ConclusionIt’s difficult to know, without having some analysis done on his language, how much he really knows. It might be the case that the CIA, or his sources are feeding him bogus information, and he is just repeating bogus information that he believes to be true. eg that the mutilations are done to create fear. He seems to accept the fact that the energy technologies have been covered up, because there is NO argument in the film to request for them to be released. Instead he asks that people who are researching their own devices contact him for funding. Why does he not campaign for those people who are in the black world to send him designs for the devices anonymously? Or ask them to post them on public websites? We know fromGreer’s work on past free energy initiatives that he has actively collected intelligence on people who are working on new energy technologies, but he so far, he apparently has nothing to show for it (after over 15 years).When they pitch these films, they are not aimed at a mainstream audience. But also they are not low budget conspiracy films either. They are in between the two. In my opinion they want to capture all those who are asking questions on these issues, so they can be lead down a dead end.
Example Marketing E-mail Sent 22 March 2017 Dr. Greer and Giancarlo Esposito who did the narration for the film. Tickets now available for the “Unacknowledged” Premiere! Monday April 24, 2017 – Los Angeles, CA “Dr. Steven Greer’s new documentary “UNACKNOWLEDGED” that presents brand new, top-secret evidence supporting Extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.Do not miss this historic opportunity to attend the world premiere in Los Angeles at the Regal Premiere Theater at LA Live! Red carpet with celebrities and Dr. Greer – 6:45pm-7:30pm. Presentation by Dr. Greer at 7:30pm. Movie begins at 8pm until 9:45pm. After Party 10:15 pm -midnight.April 24, 2017 is the FIRST showing of the film to the public!Digital viewing will be available May 9th.Be a part of the excitement with Dr. Greer, media & celebrities to kick off our campaign to:“End Illegal Secrecy-Begin a New Civilization!” General seating – $30 Premium seating – $50 VIP seats – very limited – $250 eachIncludes poster and “Unacknowledged” book signed by Dr. Greer Exclusive afterparty only (theater seating not included) – $500 You will be notified of the afterparty venue at the theater. All access seats and afterparty – $1000Includes: VIP seating, spend time on the Red Carpet with Dr. Greer and be a part of the Red Carpet excitement with media and stars, receive a book and poster signed by Dr. Greer and attend the exclusive afterparty following the showing of the film. For all ticket options click here.Venue:LA Live Regal Cinema1000 W. Olympic Blvd.Los Angeles, CADoors open at 6 pm Red Carpet at 6:45pm/7pm until 7:20 pmDr. Greer’s remarks in the theater : 7:30pmFilm at 8pmYou must purchase a ticket in advance. There will be NO ticket sales at the door because of Regal LA Live rules. Listing of some of the Marketing e-Mails I received Dr. Steven GreerFabulous “Unacknowledged” poster12/11/2017 20:01Dr. Steven Greer”Unacknowledged” film on Netflix WORLDWIDE !24/08/2017 14:18Dr. Steven GreerHelp us get the “Unacknowledged” book on New York Times best seller list04/07/2017 05:09Dr. Steven GreerToronto Premiere of Unacknowledged + Live Q&A!05/06/2017 15:29Dr. Steven GreerRent Unacknowledged Today!23/05/2017 11:52STAR LLCThe UNACKNOWLEDGED TRAILER is here!31/03/2017 17:18Dr Steven GreerExcitement building re “Unacknowledged” premiere ! Be there!27/03/2017 15:30Dr Steven Greer”Unacknowledged” premiere tickets available NOW !22/03/2017 14:01Dr Steven Greer”Unacknowledged” premiere tickets available