Some readers will have already worked through Carl James’ two volumes, which have this title. Due to some requests, Carl decided to publish a single “Omnibus” edition, which is over 600 pages long (slightly smaller print than the original 2-volume version). There is no new material in the “Omnibus” – it’s just two volumes in one!
He has made a freely downloadable version, available here:
(If you get a virus warning, switch off your virus checker, download, then re-enable your virus checker)
You can also download the 2 volumes separately here:
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda – 2016 Edition – Vol 2.pdf | 2.98 MB |
Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda – 2016 Edition – Vol 1.pdf | 2.84 MB |
If you want a Kindle or Paperback version, you can get it here:
Alternatively, it’s available from Lulu, as are Carl’s other books:
Some of Carl’s Videos: