A couple of people have written to me sending links of Richard Dolan’s presentations on the Admiral Wilson/Eric Davis documents (see links below). People are talking a lot about these documents, but I can’t, myself, get that excited about them. Essentially, there is no new information really. It can be argued that some suspicions have been confirmed. Dr Steven Greer (for all his significant flaws and compromises) talked about this meeting over 10 years ago. It appears Richard Dolan was also party to certain discussions back then. (Here is a link to Grant Cameron’s posting as it stands today on his “old” website). In his recent presentation, Dolan suggests the document’s probably came from Edgar Mitchell’s files. Mitchell was involved with a meeting with Wilson in 1997. It’s worth noting that Mitchell worked for the CIA and his threats on people are documented, as I wrote about and have spoken about many times now. Dolan (as usual) omits this information.
People should also remember that talk of there being a secret group running the UFO/Saucer cover up and having hardware in their possession goes back to the 1940’s – and one of the lesser talked about documents is the 1950 Wilbert Smith Memo (see bottom for links to images of pages) – which basically says the same thing as is stated in the “new document release.” Greer has said for the last 20 years that only certain people have access – and their military rank doesn’t necessarily mean they are party to information. Greer gave several examples of this in his “Disclosure” book.
All these topics are covered in some depth in my 2 free books “Finding the Secret Space Programme (FSSP)” and “Acknowledged.” Those books also tell you what folks like Harold Puthoff and Richard Dolan should be telling you i.e. that one of the end results of the secrecy was the destruction of the WTC on 9/11. Instead of telling you this, people like Puthoff just “join in” with the latest CIA initiatives like TTSA – and carry on “story telling” and others repeatedly present old information as if it is new – as seems to be the case here.
Now, if you want some more concrete technical information, here’s a talk by Dr Paul La Violette from 2015 – who at least has the guts to briefly mention how the WTC was destroyed (thanks to Ian B for sending me this link). I “stole” a lot of PLV’s information for my FSSP book.
Richard Dolan Discussion of Admiral Wilson Documents.
In the 2nd part, Richard Dolan does say that the documents have been known about for years…. and most of the discussion seems to centre around how the documents were leaked – not the significance of the truth behind them
Original Davis/Wilson document images (keep scrolling down to see all 15 pages) can be found here:
OCR’d PDF of the same thing.
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