Why the Lockdown is Unlawful in the UK – A Summary
Another interesting website I was sent
Re-opening UK Schools… As Prisons….?
I have been reading a few facebook posts related to them reopening schools here – as you may have seen the rules they have suggested are being likened to prison rules and therefore a form of child abuse. Some parents are really angry… But some are so scared of “the virus” they either think the “Prison” rules are justified or they won’t send their children back to school. Here’s one school’s “risk assessment” – based on UK Govt “guidelines”
How can headteachers accept such measures? Perhaps they need to remind themselves of the definition of “totalitarianism”? We already knew we were in “the Twilight Zone,” and didn’t need reminding….
But there is a UK petition to stop such measures: www.usforthem.co.uk/ I briefly communicated with 2 of the parents behind this site, who were kind enough to respond.
Dr Vernon Coleman offers some thoughts on how terrible this is – is anyone who can make the necessary changes/reversals even listening and thinking for themselves?
Mike Stock (Music Producer/Song Writer and HCQ)
Thanks to James for the note about Stock’s tweet about the HCQ drug:
Seems the main stream media is not too keen to see an end to the fear and panic created by the virus. Why would they not promote the incredible anti viral benefits of Hydroxchoroquine? The sinister answer is, because it works. That appears to be the last thing they want.
Which brings us to….
Fauci’s Remdesivir: Inadequate to Treat COVID-19 and Potentially Lethal
Thanks to Andrew for this link – why is Fauci not in prison? Oh, that’s right – he’s committed too many crimes to be charged – the crimes are just too big for him to be prosecuted….
Bregin also argues that Fauci had a hand in actually creating the strain of the virus that is alleged to be the cause of all the problems… (This is from April 16, 2020) breggin.com/us-chine…
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