Mr Gates and Vaccination Programmes
Even if only one tenth of the video below is true, it should make you think even more carefully about everything that has been going on in the last 11 months or so. Remember, Mr Gates was given 17 minutes on BBC on April 12 – when he said the “vaccine” would take 12-18 months to develop. He was wrong. It took about 9. Does that mean it was all “ready to go?” Perhaps they had already got what they REALLY wanted in it – and it was all “prepped and packaged” etc….? Surely not, though ay? Someone would have blown the whistle before now, right? Right? There is NO WAY this could happen – NOTHING like the mass poisoning of a population has ever happened in recent history has it? And Mr Gates has NEVER been connected to such a non-event, has he….? ALL this video HAS to be disinfo, of course…
Look them In the Eyes
The TV ads you should be seeing in the UK.
Are COVID Vaccines Causing Blood Clots, Brain Injury & Heart Attacks?
More leading medical professionals are officially expressing concerns about the safety of COVID19 vaccines. Last month the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) received a public submission from J. Patrick Whelan, M.D., Ph.D.
The submission was in response to the agency’s request for comments regarding vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 in advance of the Dec. 10 meeting when the committee would review the Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for emergency use authorization (EUA).
UK Guardian – Fury at ‘do not resuscitate’ notices given to Covid patients with learning disabilities
Here we go again…
And wouldn’t you know, from the Guardian, we also have this:
46 residents in Spanish nursing home die after receiving COVID-19 vaccine
SPAIN, February 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) —Forty-six nursing home residents who had received their first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s fast-tracked vaccination against COVID-19 at the beginning of January had died by the end of the month, Spanish media have reported.
Staff first reported a coronavirus outbreak at Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Our Lady of the Rosary), a nursing home in the province of Cadiz, Andalusia in Spain on January 12, in the wake of a vaccine distribution campaign.
COVID PCR TEST ARE 100% FAKE, SAYS World renowned expert David Rasnick PhD.
Here’s his website:…
Open Letter to Government and Vaccine Regulators re possible Covid-19 vaccine-related deaths in the elderly and Care Homes
Lots of figures and graphs –
HTML version here: www.globalresearch.c…
Experimental COVID Vaccine Trials Expanded: Children as Young as 6 to be Injected in Trials in Israel
University of Oxford announces plan to recruit 300 volunteers aged 6-17, with up to 240 receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and the remainder a control meningitis shot
Dr David Martin – Coronavirus and Patents and Questionable Research into Enhanced Pathogenicity
Long, but very detailed and gives a bit of history about what, in reality, seems to be biowarfare research.
I liked what he said at the end.
Martin is also interviewed here:…
Here he is in a roundtable with RFK Jr, Dr Judy Mikovitz and Rocco Galati
UK Government – COVID-19 and Agenda 2030 (11 Sept 2020 speech!)
The pandemic has painfully exposed our vulnerabilities. Whilst we remain committed to tackling its immediate impacts, we must also seize this opportunity to create greener, healthier, more inclusive and resilient economies and societies, and to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement.
And quite a few people have noted the book that British PD (Prime Dictator) Boris Johnson’s father wrote in the 1980s:
What Are the Dark Triad Traits and How to Spot Them in Someone You Know
Relevant to most government leaders at the moment.
What is the Dark Triad?
The Dark Triad refers to three negative personality traits that are different, yet related. These are Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy. Having them makes a person difficult to manage.
This covers somewhat similar thoughts to those discussed with Mark Conlon and Kieran Woodhouse here:
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