New Subscribers. UK Column News – 14th April 2021
Once again, Alex Thomson mentioned www.checktheevidence… and he discussed a couple of the links I’ve sent out (which were sent to me by 2 different folks in Germany).
This again resulted in quite a few subs to the list. Welcome and “thanks” to those that joined the list. The website is run by myself (Andrew Johnson) only but I get contributions of links/accounts etc sent from all over the world. I cover a range of topics – as you can find on the site. I have made 7 free books available as PDF’s. Perhaps the “Climate Change” book will have the widest general interest, as parts of link in to what is happening now, around the world.
For those who are more interested in the COVID scam updates, those posts are all mirrored at cvpandemicinvestigat… and there is a separate mailing list for that (www.checktheevidence… covers that and other topics). May I encourage you to read and share 2 reports about the scam:
COVID-19 – Fraud, Human Rights Abuse, Domestic Terrorism (Supported by over 2000 signatories)
COVID-19 – Challenging the Narrative (1st posted in April 2020).
Free Leaflets (UK): In December 2020, I was sent a leaflet warning about the experimental biological agent (wrongly called a vaccine) and I got several thousand copies printed (copy is here). I’ve been sending out batches of up to about 500 (almost 2Kg in weight) to anyone in the UK that’s able to distribute them. If you want some, send me your name (or pseudonym!), a postal address and a note about how many you’d like. Or, use the “shop” here – but you can just send whatever sum of money you can afford.
I also more recently sent a complaint to Ofcom (pretty pointless, probably), but it does contain enough links to dismantle the scam: cvpandemicinvestigat…
Finally, I compiled a 2-hour presentation in November last year, which should help some people to understand what’s really going on. I can supply free copies of this on DVD if anyone (in the UK) wants one – reply to this message with a postal address).
UNSUSTAINABLE – The UN’s Agenda for World Domination – 150-minute Documentary
This is about Agenda 21 – and for those thinking this doesn’t have much to do with the COVID scam, see earlier posts – or, for example, see this 2020 UK government posting and this one from 2017.
One item mentioned in the documentary was “United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)”:
The documentary discusses the “SDG’s” – Sustainable Development Goals – of which there are 17. Of these, at least 12 involve vaccinations.
Now “Vaccine” Storage Temperature is No Longer An Issue
Another indication that it’s not what it appears to be:
Australia’s regulator says the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine can now be kept at normal freezer temperatures for up to two weeks during transport and at regular fridge temperatures for up to five days.
Previously, the vaccine needed to be kept at sub-zero temperatures of between -90C and -60C, making transportation logistically challenging.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced the decision late last week.
Tom Woods on COVID Censorship and Experts
Some great commentary and observation from Woods, but remember that some of the folks he mentions are pro-COVID vaccine and connected with Universities that seem to unreservedly support what Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Moderna are doing.
YouTube keeps removing information people need about the virus, as we know, but now the Wall Street Journal, rather a significant platform, is blasting them for it.
The most recent example comes in the form of an article by Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, who later this week will once again be my guest on the Tom Woods Show.
Bhattacharya writes about the panel of scientists advising Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, and the roundtable discussion they recently had that YouTube decided needed to be hidden from the public.
The other panelists were Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard and Scott Atlas of Stanford.
Writes Bhattacharya:
But last week YouTube removed a recording of this routine policy discussion from its website. The company claimed my fellow panel members and I were trafficking in misinformation. The company said it removed the video “because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
Yet the panelists are all experts, and all spoke against requiring children to wear masks.
The scientific evidence is clear. Consider a study from Iceland conducted early in the epidemic when masking was uncommon. The study used a representative sample to track the source of Covid infections. The authors used contact-tracing methods paired with genetic sequencing analysis to establish precisely how the disease spread. The senior author of the study, Kari Stefansson, later told reporters that “even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents.” Many studies in the scientific literature reach a similar conclusion: Even unmasked children pose less of a risk for disease spread than adults.
And he continues from there.
Bhattacharya has been a hero throughout the entire crisis, and has taken enormous abuse and been on the receiving end of wild accusations — for example, that he must be in the pay of radical libertarians (as if one would need to be bribed in order to point out that lockdowns destroy lives).
I will be soliciting questions for Professor Bhattacharya from members of the Tom Woods Show Elite.
Stay tuned.
Tom Woods
CNN Technical Director Tells us What We Already Know
It’s not as if we didn’t already know this, is it? But it confirms that all mainstream news media should be shut down as soon as possible – for fraud – and assisting crimes against humanity. They really don’t care that some of us know this – because too many other people don’t care that we do either…
Back Up:…
Sometimes, Chester said, he would be told by his director to pull the death count down only for the head of the network to intervene.
“The special red phone rings and this producer picks it up. You hear [murmurs], and every so often they put it on speaker and it’s the head of the network being like, ‘There’s nothing that you’re doing right now that makes me want to stick. Put the [COVID death toll] numbers back up, because that’s the most enticing thing that we had. So, put it back up,'” Chester said in the video published on April 14.
He didn’t mention names, but CNN chairman is Jeff Zucker.
CNN didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
Government of Canada launches Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge to support increased vaccine confidence
More government money spent on persuasion – or is that coercion? Picked up from:… “WhatsHerFace’s” final words are interesting.
The government of Canada and its paid shills continually say one of their biggest priorities is to “build vaccine confidence in communities so that everyone can make an informed decision on vaccination”. This is something repeated by doctors, scientists, and politicians alike. When you hear that statement, what do you imagine them doing to help people come to an “informed decision”?
Would you have guessed it’s to pay people hundreds of thousands of dollars to find the best way to manipulate you? That’s right, it’s not to inform you about the potentially dangerous blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine or the fact that getting vaccinated doesn’t protect you or others from getting or transmitting Covid-19, it’s to lie and trick you. Let me say that again, the government’s idea of helping you make an informed decision is paying people to trick you into doing what they want you to do. When you have a friend like the government, who needs enemies.
USA-Another Media Figure Dies Some Time After the Jab
TV personality who boasted of being vaccinated, pressuring her mom to do the same dies after receiving jab – CNN and MSNBC contributor Midwin Charles passed away at age 47 after complaining of not feeling well after her inoculation.
Fri Apr 9, 2021 – 6:31 pm EST
BROOKLYN, New York, April 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Celebrity legal analyst and television personality Midwin Charles has died at age 47, her family confirmed in a tweet posted Tuesday. Charles’ untimely death comes just over a month after receiving her first injection with Pfizer’s experimental mRNA vaccine against COVID-19. No cause of death has yet been announced.
Weasel words and broken promises – a roadmap to endless lockdown
By Lieutenant-General Jonathon Riley. This is a tour-de-force – but doesn’t go beyond the obvious lies the UK government have been telling – nevertheless, perhaps a few more will break out of the narrative.
On the one hand, the Government is taking steps to force everyone to have a vaccine. On the other, the NHS, the manufacturers – and even Ferguson – admit that the vaccine is unreliable, will not prevent anyone from catching or passing on Covid, and is likely to have unpredictable long-term side effects because of the type of technology used.
Research Website –
In the past year, Brian Snellgrove has built www.covid-unmasked.n… and accumulated over 6,000 relevant entries. It is FOR researchers so do dig in and cut and paste. Brian has also mentioned his other websites:, www.briansnellgrove….,, and…
Danish health official passes out while announcing suspension of AstraZeneca vaccine
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, April 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The head of the Danish Medicines Agency fainted during a press conference announcing that Denmark has become the world’s first nation to permanently halt use of the British-made and abortion-tainted mRNA-derived Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.
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