The Stream of Shame (from the Shamestream media) gets ever more shameful
Connecticut Local Government Document – “Vaccine” Disclaimer
As the same vaccines are in use across the world, the same things apply, don’t they?
I believe the benefits outweigh the risks and I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any reactions that may result from either my receipt of the immunization(s)… Neither the provisioning mass vaccination center nor any of the Released Parties shall, at any time or to any extent whatsoever, be liable, responsible or any way accountable for any loss, injury, death or damage suffered or sustained by any person at any time in connection with or as a result of this vaccine program or the administration of the vaccines described above.
Another document lists the ingredients, along with misleading statements:
A detailed article on “Natural News” contains more commentary and information on these insane documents.
A 10-Year Old’s Perspective on School in the US
If this is how kids are being treated, what is the point of the school even existing any more. Insanity is rife.
Magnetic Skin Jab Site?
And what’s this- magnets sticking to the vaccination site?! I can’t see any signs of fakery. Plenty of them seem to be real people with authentic reactions… Anyone had this experience?
1) Are unused jab doses “magnetic”?
2) Do other jabs cause this effect in people’s arms?…
London Rally – Part of Worldwide Events
Let’s hope the BBC gets shut down before too long! (I can dream can’t I!)
I’m with Dolores Cahill!
“Vaccine” Passports Illegal, Infections And Deaths After Vaccines, Government And Media Lies, The “Booster” Myth,
Summary of some “vaccine” stats, other information etc.
Molecular biologist and toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., -“halt Covid vaccine production and distribution.”
Some places are REFUSING to Accept the “Vaccinated”…
New US summer camp for Orthodox Jews bars vaccinated individuals
Private Florida school won’t employ vaccinated teachers
Doctor refuses to accept patients who got vaccinated for Covid-19
Universal basic income to be tested in Wales
It’s all part of the move to global communism. This is what Agenda 21/2030 is about.
“The Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges – We will put the UK at the forefront of the artificial intelligence and data revolution.”
“Successfully combating fraud and cyber crime can only be achieved by government working with the private sector. This framework, which will need to be underpinned by further new robust legislative and regulatory mechanisms before it can be finalised, can help to strengthen how we work together to restrict opportunities for criminals and protect people.”
“Everyone could be a cybercriminal – so we must…. “(fill in the blank…)
Jeff Green on Viruses
This covers the history of Pasteur and Bechamp and why it seems that most of the medical world is “on the wrong track” regarding the causes of disease.
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