“Opportunity Pass”- Lithuania This gives a graphic description of what things could be like if any type of COVID passport were to come into general use. It’s sometimes hard to believe that it’s progressed this far in some countries. txti.es/covid-pass/i… I want to share the…
Month: September 2021
Déjà vu – from the 1980s… Recent Summary from Dr Reiner Fuellmich Much of it he’s described before, but he’s added a few more details here. What he says at the end is the core of what this is all about (and Fuellmich has said…
Cops for Covid Truth – Alex Cooney speaks On October 26, 2020, Senior Constable Alex Cooney sent an open letter to NSW Police Commissioner raising concerns about how the police force were being used during the State of Emergency powers and questioning the proportionality of…
Dr Kevin Corbett calls out Covid tyranny – 18th Sep 2021 rumble.com/vmdmdx-dr… Dr Kevin Corbett will be in Glasgow this weekend – 18th Sept – Commonwealth Monument at 12 Noon John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid He is an undertaker in Milton Keynes, UK…
Following on from the posting I made on 9/11, Chris Hampton has published his new film – which explores many of the occult aspects of the event and takes a closer look at Aleister Crowley wolfclanmedia.org/9-… There is some disturbing and disconcerting information in this…
I spent a couple of hours making the excellent composition (below) into a video. odysee.com/@checkthe… Music – The Signs – by Chi & Aether Music 9/11 – Evan Denton It happened twenty years ago, Lest we forget, but did you know… What actually…
Andrew Johnson ad.johnson@ntlworld…. 11 Sept 2021 20 years ago today in Manhattan, New York most of the World Trade Centre Complex was completely destroyed in a manner never publicly seen before – or since. In the words of Dr Judy Wood “The WTC Towers did…
Some personal issues here have meant I have not been able to compile any updates. Also, at the moment, I am seeing much the same sort of information repeated, so there seems less point in sending it out. I therefore suspect updates may be less…