In this video, I give a short update on Richard D Hall’s case/situation and briefly discuss the articles, linked below, about the RDH case and the judgement that was handed down. The articles are by Dr David A Hughes and Iain Davis – to whom I am deeply grateful. CORRECTION to the video: Off Guardian *have* been supporting Richard D Hall’s case in the publication of Iain Davis’ articles.
After that, I briefly discuss a new series of articles by Dr Morgan Reynolds and John Herold relating to how Chat GPT 4 can be “persuaded” to be more truthful about the events of 9/11 by asking it questions based on a “hypothetical” scenario involving directed free energy technology and 3D Volumetric Image projection. The results are surprising and very interesting.
I then discuss “electric comets” and the exploding planet hypothesis, because of a recent (though old) talk I gave to Dave Hodrien’s group in Birmingham.
I finish with a quick look at a book by Dr Benny Shanon about Ayahuasca visions (which I mention in my forthcoming book on Consciousness) and how drinkers experience “timelessness” (in a similar manner to those who have had an NDE.)