In this video update, I briefly discuss.
- Articles about Richard D Hall’s case by Dr David Hughes and Iain Davis
- A recent YouTube discussion I had with Carl James about Douglas Trumbull’s Possible role in the Apollo Fakery
- “The Ghost Scientist’s” Case which I will post an article about soon.
- Update on Dr Morgan Reynolds’ and John Herold’s “AI and 911 Operation Headfake” and “AI and Apollo Hoax” articles.
- Additional 9/11 Photos of a Bus near WTC 7 which seems to have “decayed” during the events of 9/11.
- Dark Journalist’s guest hosting of the Alex Jones show. (I think this is quite significant as the audience will be exposed some quite “deep” concepts – such as temporal and consciousness effects related to the UFO/ET phenomenon
- The strange painting from 1919 by Charles Dellschau which seems to contain a reference to Donald Trump’s presidency.
- A Lockheed Martin patent from 2011/2016 which appears to talk about Directed Energy Weapons and Cloaking, using coherent matter-based technology.