From: adjohnsondp Date: 2018-06-03 16:12:17 I am now taking orders for the paperback and I hope to send these out later this week. If you want a copy, please use the link below to order – this will save me time! It is available on Amazon…
Category: Antigravity
The “Space Age” began in 1957 and since then, we are told, missions have studied all the planets in the Solar System. Most people believe that one of the greatest technological achievements happened in 1969, when Neil Armstrong allegedly walked on the surface of…
This presentation follows on from others that I have compiled, mainly : “The Case for Antigravity” (2004, 2010) “Apollo – Removing Truth’s Protective Layers” (2010) We will review the conclusions from those and then consider: Rumoured Secret Space Programmes (“Whistleblowers”) 2 examples of Secret Space…
Keeping The Secret Space Programme a Secret Subtitle: The TR3B, Trolls and the Truth Andrew Johnson (ad.johnson@ntlworld….) 02 July 2014 I sometimes stop to wonder how I can possibly have ended up writing articles like this – and how I can have come to…
Below you will find: Selection of (publicly available) Documents sent to me by Ed Fouche with some commentary Edgar Fouche’s 1998 Presentation (Original Disclosures) Interviews conducted by Andrew Johnson in 2014 For a TR-3B Q & A, click here. For a look at some of Ed’s…
Andrew Johnson, ad.johnson@ntlworld…., July 2013 www.checktheevidence… “The human race in the form of man extends throughout the universe, and is incredibly ancient.” These were the words of a certain Canadian Radio Engineer in a Speech he recorded on March 31, 1958 at his home in Ottawa Ontario Canada. I discovered…
Eric Laithwaite was born in 1921 in Atherton, Lancashire – not too far from Manchester. He was the son of a farmer. Though he became a Professor of Engineering, his interests were many and varied and he was knowledgeable on many subjects. One of his…
This video is an edit of 3 seperate sources of information: David Hatcher-Childress speaking about the Vimanas described in the Indian Vedic scripts (Coast to Coast – 19 Mar 2002) Nick Cook talking about the Nazi Bell project in "UFOs – Secret Evidence" (13-Oct-2005 UK…… Billion Dollar Secret is a 1999 TLC Video that was distributed by Discovery Channel Video. This film, written and narrated by Nick Cook, investigates military "black projects" in the United States as a possible explanation for many UFO sightings. The following refers to the…
  The Case for Antigravity – 2010 by CheckTheEvidence Just imagine the difference working antigravity technology would make to our world – perhaps almost effortless travel – at enormous speed. In this presentation, we ask has working antigravity technology been developed? Is it already in use?…