This presentation follows on from others that I have compiled, mainly : “The Case for Antigravity” (2004, 2010) “Apollo – Removing Truth’s Protective Layers” (2010) We will review the conclusions from those and then consider: Rumoured Secret Space Programmes (“Whistleblowers”) 2 examples of Secret Space…

This video is an edit of 3 seperate sources of information: David Hatcher-Childress speaking about the Vimanas described in the Indian Vedic scripts (Coast to Coast – 19 Mar 2002) Nick Cook talking about the Nazi Bell project in "UFOs – Secret Evidence" (13-Oct-2005 UK…… Billion Dollar Secret is a 1999 TLC Video that was distributed by Discovery Channel Video. This film, written and narrated by Nick Cook, investigates military "black projects" in the United States as a possible explanation for many UFO sightings. The following refers to the…

  The Case for Antigravity – 2010 by CheckTheEvidence Just imagine the difference working antigravity technology would make to our world – perhaps almost effortless travel – at enormous speed. In this presentation, we ask has working antigravity technology been developed? Is it already in use?…