From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2006-12-07 07:50:28 www.officialconfusio… The 2nd time 9/11 has had some detailed discussion on a Murdoch Channel in the UK (Obviously, Fox News where several Scholars have appeared, is also a Murdoch network – I know not the meaning or significance of this).

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2006-12-06 19:53:17 This is a classic of its kind!! The last sentence is the killer!… Biometric science arrives at Heathrow by Mario Cacciottolo BBC News Cyrille Bataller shows how to register passports at the miSense kiosk Passengers at Heathrow airport are being…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2006-12-06 19:44:26 It’s just a lot of “Hot Air”.   Maybe we should have a “prevention of flatulence” law.… Flatulence leads US jet to divert An American Airlines plane made an emergency landing in Nashville after passengers reported the smell of sulphur…

From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2006-12-06 09:37:05… Endemic: The Move To Label All Civil Disobedience “Terrorism”Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act makes peaceful protesters terrorists Steve WatsonInfowars.netFriday, December 1, 2006 An endemic crackdown on peaceful protest and dissent has continued with President Bush signing the ‘Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act,’.…